Watch Out Fake Investments Through Video Chats and Conferences

Selasa, 26 September 2017 - 21:02 WIB
Watch Out Fake Investments...
Watch Out Fake Investments Through Video Chats and Conferences
JAKARTA - Task Force Alert of Investments, Financial Services Authority (OJK) reminded public again to be careful with a lucrative investment offer. The reason, there are still many people who become victims of fake investment.

Task Force mentioned, from OJK data, indicated there are 118 companies engaged in investment that is considered fake. As for investment companies bodg handled Task Force reach 48 companies. The largest is Pandawa Group in Depok with an investment of Rp3.8 trillion.

Chairman of Task Force Investigation, Tongam Lumban Tobing said the case of Pandawa Group in Depok is the largest case that is currently handled and has entered the realm of law. The mode of investment activity under the guise of this cooperative by giving the lure of interest 10 percent in one month.

"Based on information from Pandawa itself, the investment reached 549,000 people with investment value almost Rp3.8 trillion," said Tongam after the discussion of MNC Trijaya Radio FM Jakarta, Tuesday (26/9).

In addition, continued Tongam, is Dream for Freedom (D4F). The mode by giving one percent interest per day to customers. Similar to Pandawa, the founder of D4F has been arrested and the case has been tried in West Jakarta District Court.

The next case of CSI stands for PT Cakrabuana Sukses Indonesia in Cirebon, West Java, which has also been tried. Operating mode by giving a 5 percent per month interest to customers.

Most recently, Tongam said, offering investment by Talk Fusion, where they conduct video chats and video conferencing to attract people to invest.

According to him, this activity has not actually have permits in Indonesia, but Talk Fusion continues to conduct investment offer activities. Therefore, the Task Force stop Talk Fusion activities.
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