This The Long Journey of Legend, Benny Panjaitan

This The Long Journey of Legend, Benny Panjaitan
JAKARTA - Who does'nt know Benny Panjaitan? Front man of Panbers group has indeed become a legend for the Indonesian music. In the 1970s until now, the name and work of Panbers still remain in the hearts of fans. His works such as 'Akhir Cinta', 'Gereja Tua', 'Musafir' dan 'Hidup Terkekang' are very familiar for Indonesia people.
But now the legend was lying sick due to stroke. Three times stroke attacked him. First in 2010, second in 2012, and third at the end of 2015. As result, Benny now can not activity as usual.
On September 14th, Benny's 70th birthday. In honor of this legend's, launching book and music concert is planned to be held at Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) on Thursday, November 23, 2017.
The concert and launch of this book was originally to be held on October 5, 2017. But for one reason, the plan had to be slightly delayed.
"The intention to publish a book and hold a concert in order to harmonize the works of Benny Panjaitan for his dedication in the music," said TA Rusland, chairman of the concert committee and the launch of the book 'Perjalanan Panjang Sang Legenda' (The Long Journey of Legend) in Jakarta on Monday (25/9).
This book will contain summaries of fan testimonials, artists and the public who gave their views to Benny Panjaitan. Around 50 people will contribute their testimony in this book.
"The book of 'Perjalanan Panjang Sang Legenda' was written by Trimedya Panjaitan and me. This will be a presentation of the career fragment of Benny. It is estimated to contain about 180 to 200 pages," Rusland said.
![This The Long Journey of Legend, Benny Panjaitan]()
Trimedya Panjaitan as concert advisor and book launch adds, Benny Panjaitan has also become an icon for the Batak tribe.
"It is not easy to forget his services to the Batak community. To much that Benny and Panbers do with his voice and works, especially he also brought flag of Panjaitan clan to the international arena," said Trimedya.
In concerts, there will be a second generation of Panbers with friends and sympathizers, as well as artists of the capital. The concert is also expected as a meeting place for fans and musicians who love the Panbers songs.
"The concert will be special with respect to 70 years of age Benny Panjaitan. Be an opportunity to give appreciation and support for strength and perseverance to fight for the healing of stroke suffered," said Adolf Panjaitan, concert organizer.
But now the legend was lying sick due to stroke. Three times stroke attacked him. First in 2010, second in 2012, and third at the end of 2015. As result, Benny now can not activity as usual.
On September 14th, Benny's 70th birthday. In honor of this legend's, launching book and music concert is planned to be held at Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) on Thursday, November 23, 2017.
The concert and launch of this book was originally to be held on October 5, 2017. But for one reason, the plan had to be slightly delayed.
"The intention to publish a book and hold a concert in order to harmonize the works of Benny Panjaitan for his dedication in the music," said TA Rusland, chairman of the concert committee and the launch of the book 'Perjalanan Panjang Sang Legenda' (The Long Journey of Legend) in Jakarta on Monday (25/9).
This book will contain summaries of fan testimonials, artists and the public who gave their views to Benny Panjaitan. Around 50 people will contribute their testimony in this book.
"The book of 'Perjalanan Panjang Sang Legenda' was written by Trimedya Panjaitan and me. This will be a presentation of the career fragment of Benny. It is estimated to contain about 180 to 200 pages," Rusland said.

Trimedya Panjaitan as concert advisor and book launch adds, Benny Panjaitan has also become an icon for the Batak tribe.
"It is not easy to forget his services to the Batak community. To much that Benny and Panbers do with his voice and works, especially he also brought flag of Panjaitan clan to the international arena," said Trimedya.
In concerts, there will be a second generation of Panbers with friends and sympathizers, as well as artists of the capital. The concert is also expected as a meeting place for fans and musicians who love the Panbers songs.
"The concert will be special with respect to 70 years of age Benny Panjaitan. Be an opportunity to give appreciation and support for strength and perseverance to fight for the healing of stroke suffered," said Adolf Panjaitan, concert organizer.