Terrific... Eight Million PCC Pills Ready for Production

Sabtu, 23 September 2017 - 03:58 WIB
Terrific... Eight Million...
Terrific... Eight Million PCC Pills Ready for Production
JAKARTA - Directorate of Drug Crime, Criminal Investigation Unit National Police arrested the perpetrators of Comadril Compitium Pills (PCC). For six months producing and distributing these pills, the suspect earned a turnover of up to Rp11 billion. Four suspects successfully arrested, namely M.Sas (23), WY (38), LKW (43), and BP (46).

The disclosure of this circulation case began on September 12, 2017, police managed to arrest M.Sas on Pemuda road Kav 710-711 Rawamangun, East Jakarta with evidence of 19 thousand PCC pills.

From results of suspect's examination, police obtain information if the pills are obtained from WY. Armed with this information, the police arrested WY in Rawamangun area.

"After being interrogated, WY admitted to getting the PCC drug from BP and his wife, LKW," said Director of Crime Drugs, Criminal Investigation Police National Police, Brigadier General Eko Daniyanto at Police Criminal Investigation Building, East Jakarta, Friday (22/9).

The team then moved and arrested LKW on Nukul road, Jakasetia, Bekasi on September 14, 2017. When LKW was arrested not with her husband BP.

"But after the interrogation, LKW admitted that the suspects help the work of her husband BP," he explained.

BP itself was arrested on September 17, 2017 at a hotel in West Bekasi at around 04.00 pm. The next day, September 18, 2017, the team conducted development to Bandung to find storage warehouse raw materials PCC pills as well as its production site on Cihapit Timur road, Leuwi Gajah, Cimahi Selatan, Bandung regency.

On the same day the team did development to Surabaya area. At around 02.00 WIB conducted raids in Perum Wisma Permai Timur, Gang 1, Mulyorejo village, Muryorejo, Surabaya, East Java. In the place obtained evidence of 1,240,000 Zenith pills, 35 thousand grains of carnophen and 100 thousand grains Dexomethorpan.

Until then, the team went back to develop Purwokerto area, where the PCC was produced and found two units of shophouse that camouflaged as a refill of mineral water that turned out to be a place of PCC production located at Baturaden road, Pabuaran, North Purwekerto, Banyumas, Central Java.

From this area found some evidence of production equipment and 152 thousand PCC pills.

"Omzet per six months obtained from the record of LKW is as much as Rp11 billion," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrators are snared Article 197 subsider Article 196 Law RI No 36/2009 on Health with the threat of sentence of 15 years in prison and a fine of at most Rp1, 5 billion.

While for the suspect BP also snared Article 3 and Article 4 of Law RI No. 8/2010 on the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering (TPPU) with the maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a fine of at most Rp10 billion.

From police search results, one of the owners of PCC pills factory, BP (46) apparently also has a PCC manufacturing plant in some areas. Even from the factory in Cimahi alone, there are raw materials of 4 ton PCC pills that can produce 8 million PCC pills.

"According to the statement of the suspect there is a warehouse in Cimahi then there in Sumedang new large factory built, then the factory of this pill in Baturaden," said Eko.

In the Cimahi area alone, he continued, there are warehouses making PCC pills, police found 4 tons more raw materials.

"If we calculate there are 4,000 items from 1 kilo of raw material, so there are about 8 million pills ready to be produced," Eko said.
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