Here's Example of CSR Distribution for SME's Empowering

Jum'at, 22 September 2017 - 01:40 WIB
Heres Example of CSR...
Here's Example of CSR Distribution for SME's Empowering
JAKARTA - A positive example shown by PT Ufia Tirta Mulia which entrusted its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds to the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas).

These funds are the result of customer donations taken from the sale of Ufia products during the past year. The total donation reached Rp100 million.

To be known, for seven years standing, this drinking water company always invites its customers to care, share with others who need help.

The call is realized in their sales strategy, where every purchase of one liter of drinking water Ufia, customers donation Rp15 to be channeled through the programs of distribution of zakat, infak and alms (ZIS) Baznas. This year CSR PT Ufia Tirta Mulia will be distributed to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek).

This CSR aid is in the form of capital to trade bottled drinking water. In 2017, it is targeted that around 50 SMEs can be helped through this program.

The CSR handover ceremony was held at one of the receiving business locations namely Warung Pak Wari in Rawasari, Central Jakarta on Wednesday (20/9) and attended by Director of PT Ufia, Ardju Fahadaina.

"To the corporate partners, Baznas offers CSR implementation with the approach of achieving the Global Development Goals (SDGs) released by the UN Development Organization (UNDP)," said Deputy Baznas, Arifin Purwakananta.

The corporate belief of implementing CSR in cooperation with BAZNAS is also better. The CSR program by Baznas itself is measured through the Social Return On Investment (SROI) method so that it is measurable and has a more effective impact. This has led Baznas to be selected as a partner of CSR by many corporate partners in the last two years.
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