Golkar Signal for Ridwan Kamil Strengthens, How is Dedi Mulyadi Fate?

Senin, 18 September 2017 - 19:48 WIB
Golkar Signal for Ridwan...
Golkar Signal for Ridwan Kamil Strengthens, How is Dedi Mulyadi Fate?
BANDUNG - Golkar Party support signal to Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil in West Java Election 2018 strengthened as the results of a survey that continues to place Ridwan Kamil in the top position. Whereas previously, Golkar of West Java has been proclaiming the Regent of Purwakarta, Dedi Mulyadi as a strong candidate.

Golkar Party is now considering the plan of this Ridwan Kamil. However, if the support is given, Golkar wants Ridwan Kamil's companion to come from Golkar cadres.

Secretary General of Golkar Party, Idrus Marham stated, one of the considerations to support Ridwan Kamil in West Java Election because the concerned always occupy top survey in every opportunity.

"We look at the results of this latest survey it seems who it is? Ridwan Kamil, it seems the survey is still (high), but see later," said Idrus, last weekend.

He admitted, Golkar Party will present candidates for vice governor candidate of Ridwan Kamil. Therefore, it continues to build communication with NasDem and PKB who had earlier stated carrying Ridwan Kamil in West Java Election 2018.

"We are going to simulate the representatives. We want to be from Golkar, then we have intensive communication with Nasdem and PKB. Mr. Surya Paloh almost every moment of communication and with very intense. Almost all, South Sulawesi support, North Sumatra support. Then East Java with NasDem," he explained.

Meanwhile, Coordinator of Golkar Election Team, Nusron Wahid said Golkar Party did open the opportunity to nominate Ridwan Kamil in the West Java Election 2018. In fact, Golkar is ready to pair Ridwan Kamil with his cadres after seeing the latest political situation.

"The door for Ridwan Kamil to be carried from Golkar Party has not been closed, but we have decided to nominate Dedi Mulyadi, either (as) a candidate for governor or deputy governor, but the situation and political developments are still very fluid and mutable," Nusron said.

Separately, Chairman of NasDem Party West Java, Saan Mustopa said, his side appreciate and grateful to the interest of Golkar to the Mayor of Bandung. Even so, it wants Golkar not limited to express interest, but accompanied by political action in the form of a decision to support Ridwan Kamil.

"Yes, the minimum decision in the form of recommendations can be issued. We want to enter Golkar when Golkar has been decided So long as we have not decided yet. We dare to go through it yet again NasDem is not in an urgent position or ask because Golkar also has mechanism cadres who deserve to be candidates for governor of West Java," said Saan, Sunday (17/9).

Saan also admitted, Ridwan Kamil has several times met with Golkar officials at the central level. In fact, until now, his party's communication with Golkar continues to run.

"Communication with Golkar is very intensive, we continue to explore coalition in this West Java Election until today continue communication," he said.

Until this news is revealed, there has been no confirmation from the Golkar Jabar about the strengthening of support signal against Ridwan Kamil. Deputy Chairman of Golkar Jabar MQ Iswara could not be asked for comment. Contacted via cell phone, Monday (19/08/2017), Iswara did not respond.

As is known, at the level of West Java, Golkar has decided to give a mandate to the Chairman of Golkar Jabar, Dedi Mulyadi to advance as a candidate for governor of West Java.
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