In KPPU Court, Witness from Aqua Asked to be Honest

In KPPU Court, Witness from Aqua Asked to be Honest
JAKARTA - The court of alleged monopoly violations and unhealthy competition between PT Tirta Investama and PT Balina Agung Perkasa held again by Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU).
The court itself involves calling witnesses to alleged violations of monopoly and unfair competition as pointed at Article 15 paragraph 3 point b and Article 19 letter a and b of Law No 5/1999. The summons and examinations are conducted on Tuesday (12/9), Wednesday (13/9) and last Thursday (14/9). The hearing with the number of case 22/KPPU-L/2016 was led by the Chief Justice Team Team, Munrohim Salam at the KPPU office, Jakarta.
In a follow up trial conducted on Tuesday (12/9), the investigation team presented an employee witness of PT Tirta Investama as producer of Aqua named Sulistiyo Pramono. Sulistiyo itself served as Key Account Executive for Cikampek and Cikarang sales area with the task of coordinating with Distribution Relation Manager (DRM).
From the testimony of Sulistiyo in the trial revealed that when served as Key Account Executive, he emailed his boss that status of Cuncun or Vanny store owned by Yatim Prasetyo which is status as Star Outlet (SO) in Karawang, West Java immediately lowered to Whole Seller (WS) because still refused a ban for not to sell bottled drinking water (AMDK) with Le Minerale brand.
Arnold Sihombing, Chairman of the Investigator Team confirmed the email alias received by Sulistiyo on May 17, 2017 which contained about the degradation of Vanny's store owned by Yatim from Star Outlet to Whole Seller.
However, according to Sulistiyo, his actions reduce status of SO to WS more as an emotional act. While the evidence in court even says the opposite. Many emails as a proof of coordination between Sulistiyo with his superior in Tirta Investama.
Caused Sulistiyo impressed and judged by Chief of Judges often gave unreasonable and belligerent information, Chief of Judge, Munrohim Salam had to remind this witness from Aqua to say truthfully because he had been sworn before giving testimony.
"Please witness testify honestly. Because witness has been sworn in," Munrohim warned.
From the examination results revealed the chronology of Vanny store store status from SO to WS stems from May 11, 2016 after Sulistiyo and Yatim involved a dispute due to a ban not to sell Le Minerale.
According to Yatim, he naturally feel angry because often intimidated will be downgraded from SO to WAS. Even often called upon not to sell Le Minerale is a good sales. Whereas as a merchant wants to have independence can sell all products especially the sales are being shot in the market like Le Minerale.
PT Tirta Investama as Aqua manufacturer through its legal counsel, Rikrik Rizkiyana asserted if Aqua does not have the authority to decrease the status of a store.
"Our clients are multinational corporations and in business over 40 years of high business ethics and law, including fair business competition law and applying the principles of good corporate governance. This is evidenced by the commercial ethics code of the Aqua Group and compliance policies in the field of business competition contained in the competion policy," said Rikrik in court, Tuesday (12/9).
Continue Rikrik, our clients never hinder any party to do business.
"So the decline in Vanny Store status has nothing to do with the allegations of unfair business competition, it all started from an unoptimal performance, our data shows from the sales target that Vanny shop performance is not feasible to be SO," said Rikrik.
The court itself involves calling witnesses to alleged violations of monopoly and unfair competition as pointed at Article 15 paragraph 3 point b and Article 19 letter a and b of Law No 5/1999. The summons and examinations are conducted on Tuesday (12/9), Wednesday (13/9) and last Thursday (14/9). The hearing with the number of case 22/KPPU-L/2016 was led by the Chief Justice Team Team, Munrohim Salam at the KPPU office, Jakarta.
In a follow up trial conducted on Tuesday (12/9), the investigation team presented an employee witness of PT Tirta Investama as producer of Aqua named Sulistiyo Pramono. Sulistiyo itself served as Key Account Executive for Cikampek and Cikarang sales area with the task of coordinating with Distribution Relation Manager (DRM).
From the testimony of Sulistiyo in the trial revealed that when served as Key Account Executive, he emailed his boss that status of Cuncun or Vanny store owned by Yatim Prasetyo which is status as Star Outlet (SO) in Karawang, West Java immediately lowered to Whole Seller (WS) because still refused a ban for not to sell bottled drinking water (AMDK) with Le Minerale brand.
Arnold Sihombing, Chairman of the Investigator Team confirmed the email alias received by Sulistiyo on May 17, 2017 which contained about the degradation of Vanny's store owned by Yatim from Star Outlet to Whole Seller.
However, according to Sulistiyo, his actions reduce status of SO to WS more as an emotional act. While the evidence in court even says the opposite. Many emails as a proof of coordination between Sulistiyo with his superior in Tirta Investama.
Caused Sulistiyo impressed and judged by Chief of Judges often gave unreasonable and belligerent information, Chief of Judge, Munrohim Salam had to remind this witness from Aqua to say truthfully because he had been sworn before giving testimony.
"Please witness testify honestly. Because witness has been sworn in," Munrohim warned.
From the examination results revealed the chronology of Vanny store store status from SO to WS stems from May 11, 2016 after Sulistiyo and Yatim involved a dispute due to a ban not to sell Le Minerale.
According to Yatim, he naturally feel angry because often intimidated will be downgraded from SO to WAS. Even often called upon not to sell Le Minerale is a good sales. Whereas as a merchant wants to have independence can sell all products especially the sales are being shot in the market like Le Minerale.
PT Tirta Investama as Aqua manufacturer through its legal counsel, Rikrik Rizkiyana asserted if Aqua does not have the authority to decrease the status of a store.
"Our clients are multinational corporations and in business over 40 years of high business ethics and law, including fair business competition law and applying the principles of good corporate governance. This is evidenced by the commercial ethics code of the Aqua Group and compliance policies in the field of business competition contained in the competion policy," said Rikrik in court, Tuesday (12/9).
Continue Rikrik, our clients never hinder any party to do business.
"So the decline in Vanny Store status has nothing to do with the allegations of unfair business competition, it all started from an unoptimal performance, our data shows from the sales target that Vanny shop performance is not feasible to be SO," said Rikrik.