In New York Fashion Week, This Indonesian Designer Critizes Trump

Jum'at, 15 September 2017 - 21:13 WIB
In New York Fashion...
In New York Fashion Week, This Indonesian Designer Critizes Trump
NEW YORK - Indonesian designer Vivi Zubedi, making her New York fashion week debut with suprised. She throwing criticis to US President, Donald Trump, who has sought to restrict immigration from certain Muslim majority countries.

“Mr President, I love your country and also I love your people, and we will not (do) anything to you or your people. We are all the same, it’s about humanity,” this designer said, recently.

In this event, her design look was more conservative and featured her signature black abaya, the loose-flowing, head-to-toe garment obligatory in Saudi Arabia and adopted by strictly observant Muslim women in many other countries.

Sewn onto the back of her colorful gowns were “Mekkah, Madinah, Jannah” and the phrase “all colors matter.”

“I love the US every much and I have a lot of clients here. Hijab is beautiful, we are all still human no matter what religion you are. We are still the same,” Zubedi said.

For known, The hijab and abaya have taken centre stage on the New York runway as up-and-coming Indonesian designers kicked off an increasingly diverse fashion week, hoping to change prejudices in the west.
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