Asphurindo Version Bogor Congress Still Continue Legal Process

Asphurindo Version Bogor Congress Still Continue Legal Process
JAKARTA - Some time ago, management of Association of Indonesia Hajj Umrah and Inbound Agency (Asphurindo) was confirmed based on the State Administrative Court (PTUN) judgment Number 73/G/2017/PTUN-JKT dated 31 August 2017 by assigning Magnatis Chaidir as Chairman Dan Supratman Abdul Rahman as Secretary General.
Related to that, Chairman of Asphurindo version of Second National Congress (Munas) Bogor, Syam Resfiadi spoke up. Syam urged members of Asphurindo throughout Indonesia to remain calm and unaffected related to the news which declared the Magnatis as a legitimate stewardship.
"Although on 31 August 2017 the High Court of Administration of the State Administration (PTUN) rejected our lawsuit, but our side still making an appeal, so that the legal process in PTUN is still ongoing. For that the verdict issued on 31 August 2017 has not had a fixed decision," said Syam in Jakarta, Sunday (10/7).
He added that the decision will be permanent if there is no appeal filed by the opponent, but if the appeal process is still taken then the final decision is determined by the Supreme Court (MA) and it has taken the effort on Friday (8/9). The appeal effort has been registered with no register case: 073/G/2017/PTUN-JKT in PTUN Jakarta.
"As long as the legal process continues, the Asphurindo organization still carried out by the management of the Syam Resfiadi side in accordance with the democratically elected in the Second National Congress in Bogor on 9 to 11 January 2017," he said.
He also deeply regretted the steps made by the Magnatis by sending an email to all members who convey that their stewardship is a legitimate Asphurindo stewardship. He said, appeals made his side has shown that the legal process is still continuing.
"I hope the opposing side respects this process," said Syam.
Related to that, Chairman of Asphurindo version of Second National Congress (Munas) Bogor, Syam Resfiadi spoke up. Syam urged members of Asphurindo throughout Indonesia to remain calm and unaffected related to the news which declared the Magnatis as a legitimate stewardship.
"Although on 31 August 2017 the High Court of Administration of the State Administration (PTUN) rejected our lawsuit, but our side still making an appeal, so that the legal process in PTUN is still ongoing. For that the verdict issued on 31 August 2017 has not had a fixed decision," said Syam in Jakarta, Sunday (10/7).
He added that the decision will be permanent if there is no appeal filed by the opponent, but if the appeal process is still taken then the final decision is determined by the Supreme Court (MA) and it has taken the effort on Friday (8/9). The appeal effort has been registered with no register case: 073/G/2017/PTUN-JKT in PTUN Jakarta.
"As long as the legal process continues, the Asphurindo organization still carried out by the management of the Syam Resfiadi side in accordance with the democratically elected in the Second National Congress in Bogor on 9 to 11 January 2017," he said.
He also deeply regretted the steps made by the Magnatis by sending an email to all members who convey that their stewardship is a legitimate Asphurindo stewardship. He said, appeals made his side has shown that the legal process is still continuing.
"I hope the opposing side respects this process," said Syam.