Yusuf Mansur Explain His Position in Fake Investment Case

Senin, 11 September 2017 - 14:22 WIB
Yusuf Mansur Explain...
Yusuf Mansur Explain His Position in Fake Investment Case
JAKARTA - His business is continuously linked to a fake investment case that is now being examined by East Java Police (Polda), Ustadz Yusuf Mansur (UYM) spoke up.

Through his legal counsel, Ina Rachman, Yusuf Mansur talks about the case that dragged his name

"About Condotel Moya Vidi's investment issue, he did not know in detail. He initially only help his friend, his position is in the middle or a liaison and has nothing to do with his other business," Ina said in Jakarta on Saturday (9/9).

UYM side, she added, will not obstruct the investigation process and give full space to the police to solve the case.

"Related (alleged fake investment) case handled by East Java Police, whatever the community reports to him we received. He is not angry and will follow all the process," Ina said.

About status of the alleged case of fake investment which increases in level of investigation, Ina said it will reveal the truth of the problem itself.

"It will see whether or not UYM is involved. No matter if there is someone who wants to report it, but be careful if it is not proven, we can report back," said Ina.

As is known, East Java Police on August 4 has raised the status of alleged cases of false investments with the reported Jam'an Nur Chotib Mansur alias Ustadz Yusuf Mansur (UYM) to the stage of investigation. UYM reported a number of participants of Condotel Moya Vidi investment program to Polda East Java on June 15, 2017.
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