Blood Donor Kresna Group for Care and Better Life

Blood Donor Kresna Group for Care and Better Life
JAKARTA - In addition to providing benefits to donors, blood donor activities provide many benefits to others. Blood donors are proven to improve health and keep the body away from various kinds of dangerous diseases.
The American Journal of Epidemiology notes that 88 percent of blood donors have a chance to avoid heart attacks and 33 percent avoid blood vessel disorders.
For the above reasons, Kresna Group in cooperation with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) held a blood donor social action that was followed by the employees and the surrounding community.
With theme 'We Care Krishna for Better Life', this blood donation event was held at 18 Parc Place Building, 9th floor, SCBD, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Monday (4/9).
"This event also a manifestation of concern for others because a drop of blood given is very meaningful for the life of others," said Frieda Lumanauw, Director of PT Kingsland International (Kresna Group) on the sidelines of blood donation activities.
Frieda explained that the first event was able to gather 142 participants from the original target of 75 participants.
"This amount may not be too significant to help fulfill the needs of the national blood stock, but the real contribution of employees, tenants and the community at the location of the Kresna Group office is expected to give spirit and awareness in each of us the importance of brotherhood and mutual please help between human beings," added Frieda.
Added by the President Director of PT Kingsland International, Rico Perlambang, Kresna Group which includes Kresna Creativentures (PT Kresna Usaha Kreatif) engaged in e-commerce infrastructure and enabler business, by actively assisting start-up business in Digital Company and e- commerce develops its business in Indonesia.
After the blood donor activities, Rico said, Kresna Group will also organize various social action activities such as donations for the slums, improvements of houses, education and healthy running activities in 2017 to 2018.
The American Journal of Epidemiology notes that 88 percent of blood donors have a chance to avoid heart attacks and 33 percent avoid blood vessel disorders.
For the above reasons, Kresna Group in cooperation with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) held a blood donor social action that was followed by the employees and the surrounding community.
With theme 'We Care Krishna for Better Life', this blood donation event was held at 18 Parc Place Building, 9th floor, SCBD, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Monday (4/9).
"This event also a manifestation of concern for others because a drop of blood given is very meaningful for the life of others," said Frieda Lumanauw, Director of PT Kingsland International (Kresna Group) on the sidelines of blood donation activities.
Frieda explained that the first event was able to gather 142 participants from the original target of 75 participants.
"This amount may not be too significant to help fulfill the needs of the national blood stock, but the real contribution of employees, tenants and the community at the location of the Kresna Group office is expected to give spirit and awareness in each of us the importance of brotherhood and mutual please help between human beings," added Frieda.
Added by the President Director of PT Kingsland International, Rico Perlambang, Kresna Group which includes Kresna Creativentures (PT Kresna Usaha Kreatif) engaged in e-commerce infrastructure and enabler business, by actively assisting start-up business in Digital Company and e- commerce develops its business in Indonesia.
After the blood donor activities, Rico said, Kresna Group will also organize various social action activities such as donations for the slums, improvements of houses, education and healthy running activities in 2017 to 2018.