Merchants Reveal Bottled Water Company Monopoly

Merchants Reveal Bottled Water Company Monopoly
JAKARTA - The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) continues to dismantle form of a bottled water (AMDK) business monopoly conducted by Aqua producers and distributors. This was revealed from the traders confession to the KPPU investigation team.
Chairman of KPPU investigator team, Arnold Sihombing said, from the results of his examination of a number of traders were presented at KPPU session on Wednesday (23/8) revealed PT Balina Agung Perkasa as sole distributor and PT Tirta Investama as Aqua producer allegedly forcing traders not to sell other similar products.
As told Edy, owner of Noval Shop located in Cimanggis area, Depok City. He said, since 2010 selling new AMDK, this time he got intimidation from distributors or producers.
During the sale he was assisted by four employees. Type of AMDK products sold are Aqua, Le Minerale, 2Tang, Vit, Sanqua and Club with various packaging and size. Noted since 2010 Edy sells AMDK, in 2015 his store got the status of Star Outlet (SO) from PT Balina Agung Perkasa.
But the status of SO is only until mid-2016. Because in July 2016 he was asked Supervisor PT Balina Agung Perkasa Cimanggis branch not to display other products, especially Le Minerale.
"Though Le Minerale's sales are good. Finally Le Minerale products I put in the back. This condition is definitely not comfortable for me,"said Edy, recently.
Despite having not displayed Le Minerale's product, Edy still gets intervention. Either directly or by phone.
"The peak of the ban when attending a gathering held by Le Minerale on Sunday, September 20, 2016," he continued.
After that Edy store no longer get the status of SO, but became Whole Seller (WS).
The same thing also expressed Yuli, owner of Yania Shop in Bekasi. Yuli admitted that Yania store is listed as SO on Aqua and Le Minerale branded AMDK products. He was also asked not to sell Le Minerale products.
"I put in the middle, but he came again, asked why I still display Le Minerale, say it please put it behind," said Yuli.
Arnold Sihombing said the alleged monopoly case by Aqua started from the report of the merchants to the KPPU Office in September 2016. Then PT Tirta Fresindo Jaya sent an open publication against PT Tirta Investama in the newspaper on October 1, 2016.
"This is further responded by KPPU," said Arnold.
Arnodl suspects that PT Tirta Investama and PT Balina Agung Perkasa are suspected of violating Article 15 paragraph (3) letter b and Article 19 letter a and b Law no. 5 of 1999, concerning the prohibition of Monopolistic practices and Unfair Business Competition.
Chairman of KPPU investigator team, Arnold Sihombing said, from the results of his examination of a number of traders were presented at KPPU session on Wednesday (23/8) revealed PT Balina Agung Perkasa as sole distributor and PT Tirta Investama as Aqua producer allegedly forcing traders not to sell other similar products.
As told Edy, owner of Noval Shop located in Cimanggis area, Depok City. He said, since 2010 selling new AMDK, this time he got intimidation from distributors or producers.
During the sale he was assisted by four employees. Type of AMDK products sold are Aqua, Le Minerale, 2Tang, Vit, Sanqua and Club with various packaging and size. Noted since 2010 Edy sells AMDK, in 2015 his store got the status of Star Outlet (SO) from PT Balina Agung Perkasa.
But the status of SO is only until mid-2016. Because in July 2016 he was asked Supervisor PT Balina Agung Perkasa Cimanggis branch not to display other products, especially Le Minerale.
"Though Le Minerale's sales are good. Finally Le Minerale products I put in the back. This condition is definitely not comfortable for me,"said Edy, recently.
Despite having not displayed Le Minerale's product, Edy still gets intervention. Either directly or by phone.
"The peak of the ban when attending a gathering held by Le Minerale on Sunday, September 20, 2016," he continued.
After that Edy store no longer get the status of SO, but became Whole Seller (WS).
The same thing also expressed Yuli, owner of Yania Shop in Bekasi. Yuli admitted that Yania store is listed as SO on Aqua and Le Minerale branded AMDK products. He was also asked not to sell Le Minerale products.
"I put in the middle, but he came again, asked why I still display Le Minerale, say it please put it behind," said Yuli.
Arnold Sihombing said the alleged monopoly case by Aqua started from the report of the merchants to the KPPU Office in September 2016. Then PT Tirta Fresindo Jaya sent an open publication against PT Tirta Investama in the newspaper on October 1, 2016.
"This is further responded by KPPU," said Arnold.
Arnodl suspects that PT Tirta Investama and PT Balina Agung Perkasa are suspected of violating Article 15 paragraph (3) letter b and Article 19 letter a and b Law no. 5 of 1999, concerning the prohibition of Monopolistic practices and Unfair Business Competition.