Check It Out.. Ethnic Nuances at 'Aku Indonesia' Concert

Rabu, 23 Agustus 2017 - 02:39 WIB
Check It Out.. Ethnic...
Check It Out.. Ethnic Nuances at 'Aku Indonesia' Concert
JAKARTA - Music concert titled 'Aku Indonesia' was held in the auditorium of TVRI, Jakarta on Sunday (20/8). In the event which welcoming the 72nd anniversary of Indonesian Independence was thick with ethnic nuances. This can be seen from the clothes worn by the supporters of this event.

"I wear clothes designed by Anna Mariana is very fitting to wear. Usually I buy in Dubai because of its large size. But now there is already here, ethnic embroidery is also good," said the singer, Endang S Taurina on the sidelines of a concert.

200 artists who performed like Endang S Taurina, Ratih Purwasih, Koes Plus, Dewi Yull, Mus Mujiono, Ratna Listy, Nia Daniaty, Lilis Carlina, Dina Mariana, Chicha Koeswoyo, Paramitha Rusady wearing ethnic clothing. Not even a few who also wear regional clothing in accordance with the theme raised the unity in diversity.

"For which Endang we
aring imposed range around Rp10 million because the material is silk which per meter around Rp600 thousand. For her clothes took about three meters," explains Anna Mariana.

Concert '
Aku Indonesia' it self held by TMS Production in leader of Tamim Mustafa and Sandec Sahetapy is one of the ways of the country artist to show they love for Indonesia.

"The mission of this concert, want to voice unity in diversity. After the elections in Jakarta, we are like scattered. So we want to remind again that the importance of maintaining diversity through this concert," said Sandec Sahetapy.
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