Bastian Steel and Harmony 8 Looking for Meaning of Independence

Bastian Steel and Harmony 8 Looking for Meaning of Independence
SOUTH TANGERANG - Welcoming the celebration of Indonesia's 72nd Independence Day, Musik Hana Midori held a Children's Musical Theater titled 'Seeking the Meaning of Independence' (Mencari Arti Merdeka) on August 17 and 18 in Bintaro, South Tangerang.
In staging performed by Harmoni 8 personnel (Adek, Chika, Aleta, Adinda, Ardra, Nabila, Moza and Mika), Bastian Steel, Tarzan Srimulat and Wayang Orang Bharata also participated there.
"It's not too long, it's not the first musical theater, but I was once a theater of Laskar Pelangi," said this former Coboy Junior (CJR) personnel on Thursday (17/8).
In the musical theater is also witnessed by Mayor of South Tangerang, Airin Rachmy Diani, adolescent who is familiarly called Babas role as brother of Moza (one of Harmonil 8 personnel).
"We did a series of trips to the village. Climb the mountain and stick the Red and White flag. Of course, in the middle of the effort there are obstacles and conflicts," he said.
This performances which directed by Alex Hassim also filled about 15 songs from the arrangement of Roedyanto Wasito.
"The songs are sung in part taken from the album ever recorded Harmony 8. Some of them are popular children's songs," said Roedyanto.
This one-and-a-half-hour storyline according to Alex, deliberately made light and not heavy to be easily understood children.
"So the theme can sound heavy about independence, but the presentation is light," he said.
Added Yen Sinaringati, Executive Music Producer Hana Midori, the event was made because many children who know the celebration of independence is limited to ceremonies.
"We also want to provide useful entertainment and share information to the public about the meaning of freedom for each person at any age," said Yen.
In staging performed by Harmoni 8 personnel (Adek, Chika, Aleta, Adinda, Ardra, Nabila, Moza and Mika), Bastian Steel, Tarzan Srimulat and Wayang Orang Bharata also participated there.
"It's not too long, it's not the first musical theater, but I was once a theater of Laskar Pelangi," said this former Coboy Junior (CJR) personnel on Thursday (17/8).
In the musical theater is also witnessed by Mayor of South Tangerang, Airin Rachmy Diani, adolescent who is familiarly called Babas role as brother of Moza (one of Harmonil 8 personnel).
"We did a series of trips to the village. Climb the mountain and stick the Red and White flag. Of course, in the middle of the effort there are obstacles and conflicts," he said.
This performances which directed by Alex Hassim also filled about 15 songs from the arrangement of Roedyanto Wasito.
"The songs are sung in part taken from the album ever recorded Harmony 8. Some of them are popular children's songs," said Roedyanto.
This one-and-a-half-hour storyline according to Alex, deliberately made light and not heavy to be easily understood children.
"So the theme can sound heavy about independence, but the presentation is light," he said.
Added Yen Sinaringati, Executive Music Producer Hana Midori, the event was made because many children who know the celebration of independence is limited to ceremonies.
"We also want to provide useful entertainment and share information to the public about the meaning of freedom for each person at any age," said Yen.