PayTren Create Cashless Society with Sharia Principles

PayTren Create Cashless Society with Sharia Principles
BOGOR - Fintech company, PayTren get sharia certificate from Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI). This certificate signifies that PayTren officially entered to the Indonesian sharia financial industry.
"Very careful and selective, we do not give (certificate) as long as the requirements have not been met," said Chairman of MUI, KH Ma'ruf Amin in Bogor, Monday (7/8).
"Although very familiar to Yusuf Mansyur as the owner, but if the requirements have not been met, we have to wait. But, Alhamdulillah is now had sharia certificate," he added.
That thing justified by Yusuf Mansur, it through a long effort to get this certification. Even through various revisions and evaluations.
"It's a long process to get this certification, like making a dissertation, one little mistake should revision," said Yusuf Mansur.
With this certification, it hopes PayTren can create cashless society with sharia principles. Moreover, PayTren has a concept that meets the needs of the community, which is used to pay bills such as electricity, water, pulses, which is a liability, so it certainly will always be used by the community.
Ma'ruf himself sees, the sharia certificate that give to PayTren provides part of the economic development of the ummah which is now a new flow of economic development of Indonesia.
"Indonesia's new economic flow of its pillar is in sharia economy, where there are three important elements in it namely the people, the government as policy makers and conglomerates who work together," said Ma'ruf.
Through this sharia economy, he added, expected future economic gap can be overcome.
"Very careful and selective, we do not give (certificate) as long as the requirements have not been met," said Chairman of MUI, KH Ma'ruf Amin in Bogor, Monday (7/8).
"Although very familiar to Yusuf Mansyur as the owner, but if the requirements have not been met, we have to wait. But, Alhamdulillah is now had sharia certificate," he added.
That thing justified by Yusuf Mansur, it through a long effort to get this certification. Even through various revisions and evaluations.
"It's a long process to get this certification, like making a dissertation, one little mistake should revision," said Yusuf Mansur.
With this certification, it hopes PayTren can create cashless society with sharia principles. Moreover, PayTren has a concept that meets the needs of the community, which is used to pay bills such as electricity, water, pulses, which is a liability, so it certainly will always be used by the community.
Ma'ruf himself sees, the sharia certificate that give to PayTren provides part of the economic development of the ummah which is now a new flow of economic development of Indonesia.
"Indonesia's new economic flow of its pillar is in sharia economy, where there are three important elements in it namely the people, the government as policy makers and conglomerates who work together," said Ma'ruf.
Through this sharia economy, he added, expected future economic gap can be overcome.