To Sri Mulyani, Freeport Boss Asks for Investment Stability

Selasa, 01 Agustus 2017 - 20:08 WIB
To Sri Mulyani, Freeport...
To Sri Mulyani, Freeport Boss Asks for Investment Stability
JAKARTA - CEO of Freeport McMoran, Richard Adkerson will meet Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani Indrawati to ask for certainty of investment stability.

This was conveyed by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Ignasius Jonan after meeting with Adkerson in the United States (US) last week.

He says, basically nothing special in his meeting with Adkerson. He only urged Freeport to ask the Ministry of Finance on its own terms about the stability of investment for their subsidiary, PT Freeport Indonesia.

"Meeting with Freeport CEO is only a courtesy, and ask the Freeport to give input to the Finance Minister about their expectation on investment stability. That is, there is no new progress, so immediately to the Ministry of Finance may be there the second week of August to meet," said Jonan at ESDM Ministry Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (1/8).

According to him, the points of agreement between the government and Freeport that are part of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources have been completed. Currently, Freeport has only to obtain an agreement with the Ministry of Finance on investment stability.

"If in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources more or less has been completed, the unfinished is the tax, levy area. Let Minister of Finance only. We support it If the problem must wake up smelter they already want. But it can not be separated," he added.

If the stability of investment has been obtained giant mine from the United States (US), said Jonan, the government will issue a Government Regulation (PP). Later, the beleid will become the guidance for all work contract holders (KK) transformed into a special mining business permit (IUPK).

"There is no form of agreement, it is in the form of IUPK only that attachment. For example, whether the attachment revision is extended or not, the obligation to build the smelter no later than 2022, how many taxes it is based on PP. To other business entities have a handle. So the stability of the investment in the form PP that applies to all companies that changed from KK to IUPK So it is not specific Freeport," he explained.

He expects, the beleid can be published this month.

"If can (PP out) this month, but it's more leads the Ministry of Finance," said Jonan.
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