Overseas Workers Need Social Security Assurance

Selasa, 01 Agustus 2017 - 09:41 WIB
Overseas Workers Need...
Overseas Workers Need Social Security Assurance
JAKARTA - Shift of social security for Indonesian Workers (TKI) from Insurance Consortium to the Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) of Employment which came into effect on 1 August 2017 is not giving assurance of the protection of TKI.

Coordinator of Koalisis Relawan Jokowi-JK Berbicara
, Amirullah Hidayat mentioned that there is a strong legal uncertainty over the shift in social security that resulted in social security uncertainty. Meanwhile, the protection of migrant workers is a lex specialist or special rules made because the scope of overseas workers who need social security certainty.

"Until now the government through
Minister of Manpower willing to take over from insurance to BPJS, but the rules are not there, insurance end in 30 July. Minister of Manpower said taken over by BPJS, the rule of law made must be in accordance with the Act, he would use the Ministerial Regulation must be in accordance with the Act, The law has not been passed in the House of Representatives," Amirullah said in Jakarta, Sunday (30/7).

Regulation of the Minister of Manpower (Permenaker) on Social Security of Migrant Workers who launched in Tulung Agung, East Java, according to him, has no guarantee to the protection of TKI as a whole. The regulator authorizes BPJS to take over the social insurance of migrant workers with only nine programs, while the Insurance Consortium has 13 protection programs for Indonesian labor migrants.

"TKI should be lex specialists, special rules can not be taken. BPJS is domestic affairs, the law does not yet exist, the rules of the game have not arrived suddenly taken over, which became the victims of migrant workers," said Amirullah.

In response to this, BPJS of Employment ensures its readiness to provide maximum social security services for migrant workers after on July 31, 2017 will end the period of social insurance from the Insurance Consortium that switch to BPJS of Employment.

Supervisory Board
BPJS of Employment, Banikanita Putri states nine programs BPJS Employment will provide maximum service, ranging from health, workplace accidents, and others according to the Minister of Manpower on social security of migrant workers.

"BPJS of Employment
from 40 years ago trying to meet needs of workers. We have 9 programs, while the consortium there are 13 covered in our 9 programs. See the comparison, this program can be entered into the work accident until return to work, there is the process of departure, health there. Some of the programs that come in BPJS, August 1 is ready to be implemented," said Badikanita in Jakarta, Sunday (30/7).
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