Togean Islands and Dara The Virgin Ready Greet Travelers

Jum'at, 28 Juli 2017 - 09:40 WIB
Togean Islands and Dara...
Togean Islands and Dara The Virgin Ready Greet Travelers
JAKARTA - Name of Tojo Una-Una Regency in Central Sulawesi still rarely heard among travelers. But in truth, enthusiasts of seascapes, beaches and exotic islands will surely be fascinated with one of the destinations in this newly created district from Poso regency.

In Tojo Una-Una, tourist destinations in Togean Islands are not inferior to coastal tourism destinations. Islands located in Tomini Bay, Tojo Una-Una District, Central Sulawesi has been inaugurated into Togean Islands National Park since 2004.

In the Togean Islands, there are six large islands and dozens of small islands around him that are famous for their respective beauty that makes an imposing admiration.

And to promote this tourism destination, Tojo Una-Una local government held Festival Pesona Lipuku Tojo Una-Una Togean 2017.

"The festival is aimed to promote tourism, especially in Tojo Una-Una Regency to be more familiar to foreign countries," said Tojo Una-Una Regent, Muhammad Lahay in Jakarta, Thursday (27/7).

The event also took the singer Dara The Virgin is also a place tojo Una-Una district introduced a potential other than the coral reefs and biota that dazzle the world.

"We are targeting 3,000 tourist visits, from which it is expected to have an immediate economic impact," he said.
Togean Islands and Dara The Virgin Ready Greet Travelers

Activities that will take place on 21 October to 11 November 2017 will feature some activities such as jet skiing, swimming, fishing mania, cycling and motor adventure competitions.

"Hopefully it will also give a longing for Indonesian citizens who wander to the foreign country to return to his homeland that has beautiful natural potential," please Lahay.
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