Healthy Life Campaign Directly, Baznas-AIA Indonesia Goes Down to School

Selasa, 25 Juli 2017 - 15:52 WIB
Healthy Life Campaign...
Healthy Life Campaign Directly, Baznas-AIA Indonesia Goes Down to School
JAKARTA - To encourage elementary school students to realize importance of healthy lifestyles by maintaining a healthy body and active exercise also maintaining a healthy school environment, National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) and AIA Indonesia work together to promote healthy lifestyle on a regular basis through AIA Kids Care program.

In a healthy life campaign that also involves presenter Bella Fawzi, gradually the children are also educated to campaign the spirit of healthy living to his friends.

"More tired (teaching) them, but I never tired of teaching children. To them must have own treatment. Talking to them is not the same as talking to adults. Speak should be what they understand," said Bella in SD Negeri 01 Bendungan Hilir Jakarta, recently.

In this AIA Kids Care activity, students are also given mouth and dental checks, free glasses distribution for students in need, fogging and sanitation and distribution of school health equipment facilities. Then soccer training from AIA employees
soccer team and the inauguration of 20 little doctors as health ambassadors at his school.

Baznas itself deploys health team from Rumah Sehat Baznas (RSB) Jakarta to handle the health problems of children in school.

"The program of 'Healthy School Children' is also initiated by RSB in other cities such as in Makassar which has been educating hundreds of elementary school students to become a little doctor," said Director of Coordination National Development, Renewal, Education and Training Baznas, M Nasir Tajang.
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