NH Korindo Securities Facilitate Mobile Transactions

Selasa, 18 Juli 2017 - 05:16 WIB
NH Korindo Securities...
NH Korindo Securities Facilitate Mobile Transactions
JAKARTA - Digital world allows customers to transact anywhere. This is what NH Korindo Securities sees as an opportunity.

This opportunity exploited by this South Korean securities company with launching Electronic Trading System at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Jakarta, Monday (17/7).

In the launch, President Director of NH Korindo Securities, Jeffry Wikarsa said, through this easier system, is expected to increase transactions on the exchange.

"Actually this is re-launching, with improvement of service, hopefully trigger the service especially the trading facility," said Jeffry.

To provide this system, NH Korindo invests up to 5 million US dollars.

"We believe that education is expected to improve the knowledge of the community so that it will be more interested in investing," explained Jeffry.

Through launch of this electronic trading system, NH Korindo will diversify a stablely growing business in online stock sales.

The trading system launched by acquisition company between NH Investment & Securities in Korea and Korindo Group offers easy operation, such as automatic trading, alarm market, fast booking and MTS-HTS.

"System also provides standard HTS graphics such as graphical proof and comparison charts, allowing specific functions to be used in electronic systems," Jeffry said.
NH Korindo Securities Facilitate Mobile Transactions

In the same place, President Director of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Tito Sulistio supports the use of online stock trading application. But Tito warned if the function of Brokerage Representative Securities (WPPE) is still needed.

"Although it's online, but investors every morning keep the phone asking 'what's issue today?' After the transaction too, they must call," said Tito.

He called on all securities firms to keep more WPPE recruits. IDX itself noted, until now there are only about 3,000 WPPE.

"We still need about 10 thousand WPPE," said Tito.

It even simplify registration of candidates WPPE. For example, by reducing entrance exam fees.

"Only Rp100 thousand. We do this for them," he added.

The emergence of several electronic trading systems such as the newly launched of NH Korindo Securities, he said does not pose a threat to existence of WPPE.
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