Jessica Mila, New Rival of Jokowi Son

Rabu, 14 Juni 2017 - 09:00 WIB
Jessica Mila, New Rival...
Jessica Mila, New Rival of Jokowi Son
SOLO - This artist and movie star not afraid to compete son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Gibran Rakabuming Raka and other businesses that already exist first. By the way, what's business between her and them?

"So far, people know me as actrees or movie player and model. Now I'm trying to get into business. Through careful consideration and preparation, I finally settled into this culinary business. The name is Solo Pluffy, a culinary that is expected to be unique culinary city of Solo," said Mila during Meet and Greet with fans in Solo Square, Solo, recently.

With a steady, she admitted not afraid to compete with culinary businessmen who already exist in Solo as Gibran or with another culinary businessmen who already exist in Solo.

"I know lot of culinary business and exist in Solo and surrounding areas. However, I'm sure can reach existing niche market. You see, me and team
focus in cake and gifts segmented," she said.

One more thing that makes Mila sure, her culinary products predicted will be a trend in other cities in Indonesia.

"I see
today, souvenirs become a promising business opportunity," she said.

Why she chosen
Solo as city for her culinary business? Jessica has reasons. Among Solo is a cultural city which rich in history and has a wealth of culinary that has been known to the public.

"Solo is also known as a tourist destination and one of the reasons , my father come from this city. So I'm a Solo person," Jessica said.

alked about name for her product is apparently derived from word Fluffy which means fine.

"I hope to provide new treasures culinary and souvenirs in Solo," said girl which born in Langsa, Aceh. not afraid to compete with President Jokowi's son?

"Who's afraid?" Jessica answered firmly.
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