Use e-Commerce Platform, Zakatpedia Make Zakat be Easy

Minggu, 11 Juni 2017 - 06:27 WIB
Use e-Commerce Platform,...
Use e-Commerce Platform, Zakatpedia Make Zakat be Easy
JAKARTA - Globalization era makes information technology be major need for public consumption. Results of 'We Are Social' survey, one of the world's leading information technology researches in January 2017, released if Indonesia is a country with largest number of internet users in the world. This data shows an increase of up to 51 percent, or a total of 132.7 million internet users in Indonesia.

On this basis,
Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia (IZI) sees public interest that has been used to touch information technology through smartphones can also make it easier for people to donate zakat, infak and shodaqoh.

"We want to make it easier for people who want to zakat and donate through IZI. In Zakatpedia, the platform is close to e-commerce that has been used by public," said Director of Education and Partnership ZIS IZI, Rully Barlian Thamrin in Jakarta, Friday (10/6)

He added, benefits of Zakatpedia program can facilitate internet-based transactions, transparent and accountable. Can know up date number of program hiring, as well as transactions supported by 14 reputable bank accounts.

"Zakatpedia is the answer to our needs in this modern era. We can easily donate zakat, infak, and alms through smartphones," said Rully.

Related to possibility of this application can also solicit donations of zakat, infak, and alms of Indonesian citizens abroad, Director of IZI, Wildhan Dewayana explains, there is no specific rules of the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) on this matter.

"Before there is have standard rule, we run it, it is possible," Wildhan said.
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