Welcome The Monitoring Application for Zakat User Behavior

Selasa, 06 Juni 2017 - 01:38 WIB
Welcome The Monitoring...
Welcome The Monitoring Application for Zakat User Behavior
JAKARTA - Behavior of people in using digital finance (e-money) has increased rapidly in recent years. In response to this, National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) re-innovate by making it easier for people to pay zakat through various services of digital payment.

For this reason also, Baznas launched portal www.startzakat.com to serve zakat, infak and alms community in a digital way.

"In this www.startzakat.com, community is not only able to pay zakat, but also can initiate the program to help the community or relatives get help as in crowdfunding portal," said Chairman of Baznas, Bambang Sudibyo in Jakarta, Monday (5/6).

Zakat givers do not have to worry with zakat distribution in this way. All program organizers and have been verified by Baznas.

"Distribution is legal and the report can be accounted," Bambang added.

Service through www.startzakat.com is also a proof that Baznas continues to create technological innovation in providing services of giving zakat. The public just needs to open a link: www.startzakat.com to then follow the guides in it in a very easy way.

CEO of startzakat.com, Muhammad Ishaq added, via the page managed startzakat.com also can be known data about the behavior of digital zakat users.

"With the data, it can be seen the tendency of users of this aplication. So..that in the future can be made better zakat program," he explained.
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