Just Wait Until Your Basic Needs Packets Come Home Itself

Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017 - 15:04 WIB
Just Wait Until Your...
Just Wait Until Your Basic Needs Packets Come Home Itself
JAKARTA - No need to jostle, recipients of zakat (mustahik) now simply sit back at their homes and wait for the online taxi motorcycle come to bring packages of basic needs.

How come? Because now, the National Amil Zakat Board (Baznas) has a distribution program of 10,000 Paket Ramadhan Bahagia (PRB) who are delivered directly to the mustahik houses by using an online taxi
motorcycle service with attractive packaging designs.

"This program is an easy choice for people who want to share with people who want to be helped. Only by donating Rp250 thousand, packages of basic needs ready to go directly to the intended address," explained Director of Distribution, Utility, Renbang and National Training of Baznas, M. Nasir Tajang at Launch of Ramadan Bahagia 1438 H Package Program in Jakarta, Friday (2/6).

Added Nasir, Baznas continues to increase the number of packages sent in mid-Ramadan by looking for a number of other donors. For this moment itself, Baznas has worked with AXA Mandiri, Lintas Arta, BRI Syariah and Takaful Insurance to distribute this assistance.

"Usually the mustahik visit institutions or individuals who give alms or alms, causing long queues that often cause riots, trampled even to death. Therefore, we want to glorify the mustahik by delivering them directly," said Nasir.
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