Soon.. Ainun Opera Travelling in Europe

Minggu, 28 Mei 2017 - 06:21 WIB
Soon.. Ainun Opera Travelling...
Soon.. Ainun Opera Travelling in Europe
JAKARTA - Are you believe if you write the story of very special person who has moved to another dimension instead of being a long-term antidote?

That is what happened to the third Indonesian President, BJ Habibie. His longing for his deceased wife, Hasri Ainun was poured through writing.

"It (writing) be a medicine for me and Alhamdullilah the book became a best seller," said Habibie after the Introduction of Ainun
Opera in Jakarta, recently.

And the love story written by Habibie is then appointed an opera titled Ainun which produced by PT Opera Ainun Inc, a subsidiary of the Perkumpul
an Lima Dimensi. This opera will be staged in Jakarta, Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna, and Berlin, parallel to international classical opera such as Aida, La Boheme, Hamlet, Phantom of The Opera.

"Initially, Ainun-Habibie's book readers in Germany advised to make opera because they saw that there was a decent book section to be opera that was not inferior to the international classical opera," Habibie said.
Soon.. Ainun Opera Travelling in Europe

This opera told
love of Habibie to God, to his parents, true love to Ainun, love to his ideals and love to his work.

Introduction to Ainun
Opera itself appears in the form of classic three-legged serial opera. Describes how love is a major milestone in the advancement of perfection in life: love of the elderly, love of the dream, love of the spouse and love of the Creator.

This opera planned to be staged in Amsterdam, Netherlands in early 2018. And will continue to be staged around Europe and in Indonesia in 2018.
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