Discriminated, Alliance of Students and Youth for Justice Send Protest

Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017 - 22:26 WIB
Discriminated, Alliance...
Discriminated, Alliance of Students and Youth for Justice Send Protest
JAKARTA - The Alliance of Students and Youth for Justice expressed their unwillingness to accept treatment and repression of police officers against action held by Union of Indonesian Muslim Student Action (KAMMI) in front of State Palace on Wednesday (24/5).

"We deeply regret and condemn violent actions taken by police in facing actions of KAMMI students while expressing aspirations
yesterday," said Mulyadi P Tamsir, Chairman of PB HMI in Jakarta, Friday (26/5).

PB HMI, which is one of the youth organizations and students who joined the Alliance of Students and Youth for Justice, considers this repressive treatment and repression of the police has added a long list of repressive apparatus in facing student aspirations in public places.

"The police are expected to reform itself, but they shows the anti-democratic for repeatedly when doing very repressive measures to students," he said.

On the occasion, Chirm
an of PP KAMMI, Kartika Nur Rakhman explained, the action carried out from noon until the afternoon walk peacefully. However, entering deadline for submission of aspirations in the public sphere, participants actually get the violence that allegedly done by the police, even to injure a student.

"One of our student action participants was torn in the face, so it had to be sewn with some stitches," he said.

He said that during the deadline for the submission of aspirations, students action participants were prepared to disband according to the directions given by police.

"It's been warned since half-past six and we know the six o'clock is the final limit, we just light the candles while t
ake photos," he said.

We've been lobbyed by police officers to disperse, and we say, after this we will pray maghrib and then will disperse, but apparently immediately hit," he said.

Added Mulyadi, officers are discriminating against this student action.

"Ironically, we saw at a distance of one kilometer from our location, there was also a similar action carried out by a group of people, but not actioned," said Mulyadi.

They urged police institution to enforce the rules and give strict sanctions to the apparatus involved in repressive actions to the protesters on Wednesday, May 24, 2017 and urged police to stop repressive measures in the face of rallies.
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