Where is Jokowi?

Jum'at, 12 Mei 2017 - 01:58 WIB
Where is Jokowi?
Where is Jokowi?
by Denny Siregar

The most questions I get after the Ahok verdict event is "where is Jokowi?"
They are not asking about where is
Jokowi, but what he does especially when his best friend, Ahok in prison.

The question evolved into irritation when Jokowi's photographs seemed to be relaxing on a trail bike in Papua. Finally there were swindles to not choose Jokowi in the presidential election later and other insults.

In fact I heard an influential social media player on twitter blaming Jokowi on this situation.

Watching Jokowi's steps is not easy. Ahok even admitted it. Jokowi's moves seem slow, but the track record during the presidency solves the problem of KMP vs KIH and Police vs KPK, indicating that it is effective.

The verdict against Ahok is practically a defeat of Jokowi's move and I'm sure he was shocked by the end result. With the concept of not wanting to intervene and let the people who assess the outcome of the game, it turns out that the step actually made a goal for the opponent.

But Jokowi is still Jokowi. He is not like SBY who immediately appear imaged and sympathetic style.

Jokowi looks like "nothing happened". Styles that upset the friends are also opponents. Why his opponent also annoyed? Yes, because the opponent can't guess what step he did in next.

The hallmark of Jokowi-based on what he's done-is silent. Jokowi just looks emotional during a potentially violent in 411 demo. But not long after he managed to control himself by facing demonstrators in 212. Then he approached Prabowo then SBY.

The first step he did was to move Ahok from Cipinang to Brimob Command Headquaters prison cell which was the same as a two star hotel. And that he did while playing trail in Papua.

Even the order of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) dissolution was carried out before Ahok's verdict, which indicated that Jokowi had prepared the worst possible.

Why is HTI dissolution done before Ahok's verdict? In order not to enlarge the issue that it was Jokowi's revenge because of Ahok's verdict. Jokowi tried to avoid the target weapon towards him. He tried to defuse an issue that would enlarge his opponent that he was "hostile to Islam".

No one knows what he did afterward, because Jokowi is a closed person. Her steps are not revealed even to the person in the other circle, let alone to the number two person who likes to steal.

Usually we just understand the step after he took that step...

So it's better to wait with the belief that Jokowi does not go anywhere and he does his job. Because cursing the situation also will not solve the problem.

Our task is to continue to put pressure on all elements of the stakeholders to open the eyes that there has been legal injustice and intolerance problems in the country that must be resolved.

The opponent's weapon does want to erode the sound against Jokowi and seems to work. Many of Ahok's supporters are starting to blame Jokowi for not doing anything.

Sorry friends, reading Jokowi is not like reading Enny Arrow's book which directly to the point breathlessly. Reading Jokowi is like reading Sidney Sheldon
novel, we just know what happened after that happened.

Do you know Sidney Sheldon? Don't know? Try sipping coffee first...
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