Husband Become CEO, Jenny Rachman Sincere Herself

Senin, 01 Mei 2017 - 16:07 WIB
Husband Become CEO,...
Husband Become CEO, Jenny Rachman Sincere Herself
JAKARTA - This actress did not want to forget to be grateful, especially when getting the fortune and trust. Like when her husband, Suprajarto mandated to run the leadership wheel of Bank BRI as CEO. As a form of support and gratitude, Jenny Rachman held a donation event and tasyakuran for orphans

"My husband's new job is a bigger responsibility, this event is form of my support and prayer, so my husband can carry out this task with istiqomah," said Yenny in Jakarta.

Got a job as a top position, Jenny admitted if the burden of her husband is heavy. She also sincere if the work of Suprajarto take time to mingle with himself and family at home.

"As a wife I must be better able to adjust the time and other activities, especially to support my husband's work," said Jenny.

In this event, Jenny involves 100 orphans and her fellow celebrities such as Widyawati, Niniek El Karim, Krisdayanti, Rima Melati
and Raakhe Punjabi.

"Hopefully this tasyakuran be a good start for my husband in running a new job," said Jenny.
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