When Light Brick and Instant Cement Can Reduce Structure Cost

Jum'at, 14 April 2017 - 18:12 WIB
When Light Brick and...
When Light Brick and Instant Cement Can Reduce Structure Cost
JAKARTA - Amid growing property and construction industry, PT Power Block Indonesia through innovative product that is lightweight concrete, Power Block which is already popular among property and construction industry contribute to development in Indonesia.

A number of buildings and developers in the country, such as Wika, Adhi Karya, Summarecon, Alam Sutera up stadiums in the country have been using Power Block products are bundled with instant cement, Power Bond. Power Block and Power Bond is a package that is not separated so that the building generated to the maximum.

However, not only prestigious projects are so attentive PT Power Block Indonesia. Together with several developers, PT Power Block Indonesia participate supply housing material product for lower to middle range.

"In BSD, we cooperation with BSA Land and Perumnas as a supplier of Power Block. In that area house prices is only Rp200 millions and can help reduce costs while using red bricks. Because calculations on each one square meter when using red brick is 80 pieces, while using the Power Block is only 10 pieces," said GM Sales and Marketing PT Power Block Indonesia, Andri Resmana in Jakarta, Thursday (13/4).

He added, that the Power Block is widely used in the construction industry due to its characteristics is lightweight but strong, helping to reduce the cost structure. Compared with other substitution products such as red brick, this product has some advantages, lightweight, precise, easy and quick installation.

To note, Power Block, is autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block or lightweight concrete made from raw materials such as silica sand, cement and other mixed materials are categorized as materials for lightweight concrete. In Indonesia, better known as light brick.

Continued Andri, PT Power Block Indonesia also supplying material for several flats in Jakarta.

"Rusunami Cilincing and Rawabebek one of them," said Andri.

As for Power Bond Dry Mortar or better known in Indonesia as instant cement, is a mixture of cement, sand and other additives ready to replace the use of traditional construction materials such as cement and sand. That ensure consistency of quality and efficient use of materials.

Power Bond manufactured by m-tec German technology with an accuracy of mix became an international standard manufacture of dry mortar. Construction work can be done more quickly because it is very easy to use because simply adding water only. The results are also more cleanly and economically, thus saving the cost of materials and artisans.

"In addition to a light brick, Power Block, which was already popular among material industry, we also have instant cement the Power Bond. Usually these two products bundled to generate maximum yangn building. Both of these products into a single entity that can not be separated," added Manager of Marketing PT Power Block Indonesia, Johannes Joe.
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