Attacker of Net TV Journalist Feel Prestige

Jum'at, 14 April 2017 - 10:22 WIB
Attacker of Net TV Journalist...
Attacker of Net TV Journalist Feel Prestige
JAKARTA - Attacker of Net TV journalist, Haritz Ardiansyah claimed prestige when cameras shooting his Mini Cooper car who was riding with his two friends.

"He did not receive (feel insulted), the coolest ride Mini Cooper, but breaking down," said the head of the Criminal Investigation Unit South Jakarta Police, AKBP Budi Hermanto on Thursday (13/4), mimicking the actors statement to the investigator.

The offender
initials KU worried himself into a mockery if their images on television when his Mini Cooper breaking down. That's why he approached and tried deleted Haritz recording himself.

Police suspect, KU could not control themselves and attacked the victim because at that time he was under the influence of drugs. This suspicion is strengthened by the results of a urine test that showed he had been using methamphetamine and marijuana.

As a form of contrition for his actions, KU has uploaded a apology
video via his Instagram accounts @kashira_uzi which 42 seconds duration.

"I made a video today with the aim to apologize to the reporters that last night I'm attacked with the way I spit and broken his stuff," said KU in video on Instagram, Thursday, April 13, 2017.

KU hope after apologizing he and the NET TV can solve the problem peacefully. He regretted acted violently towards Haritz at the time of reporting.

"If I can, I want to meet with reporters last night that I spit on it. I would like to apologize personally with him. Thank you," said KU.

Persecution of Haritz occurred when this Net TV reporter was covering floods in Kemang, South Jakarta, April 11, 2017. By coincidence, Haritz saw a
Mini Cooper car broke down. He suspected the vehicle was damaged because of the flood. Haritz also directs the camera to the car. That's when KU came Haritz and hit him. KU also spit on the reporter.
Attacker of Net TV Journalist Feel Prestige

Haritz do not want to prolong the matter. He apologizes and invites peace. In fact, he was willing to delete the images recorded KU and two friends. But word Haritz not addressed.

KU actually tried to snatch
Haritz camera. As a result, the the viewfinder of camera broke. That action was not made KU satisfied. He came to Net TV cars and knocked a dent
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