Welcome Talent Recruiter Apps on Your Smartphone

Senin, 10 April 2017 - 09:39 WIB
Welcome Talent Recruiter...
Welcome Talent Recruiter Apps on Your Smartphone
JAKARTA - The world of technology arrival of latest applications. This time, an application is present to connect the talent with recruiters from in world of entertainment. Online-based application is intended to meet the needs of gifted generation without having to limited from space and time.

As known,
growing of digital era make people easily access anything via smartphone. Social media became a major destination for the younger generation to get new information. Even social media can be one channeling creativity, for example on instagram.

"In addition to reconcile, we also provide training. So the talents of the user can be improved and ready to compete in the international world," said CEO Biyu Talent, Yansen Soeyetsen in Jakarta, Sunday (9/4).

According to him, in the application can be accessed via smartphone, users can find a job that suits his talents.

"We provide solutions to talent who not professional
yet. And this is our advantages with other talent applications. Usually, other applications only for talent who are professionals," he said.

Furthermore Yansen said, training is provided in the form of a solution how to cope with clients in a professional manner. So, according to him not only technically to become professional talent.

"The workshop can be a good personality improvement. For example, explain to the client when there is an error make up, so that the client does not get angry and happy," he said.

Yansen added that training is given in stages. User application itself so far has reached 3,500 t

"With Biyu
Talent, we want create talented young people to distribute it, so that we are ready to compete with talent from abroad," he said.
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