This Largest Wedding Cake Bring Fairy Tales Grandeur

Sabtu, 08 April 2017 - 13:48 WIB
This Largest Wedding...
This Largest Wedding Cake Bring Fairy Tales Grandeur
JAKARTA - Wedding planner business, including wedding cake services had a pretty tight competition. This is one reason for Le Novelle Cake attempt to create something different and give a real impression on each of their wedding cake.

Manned by two brothers and sisters, Miyo Minaki and Dion Riyadi, Le Novelle Cake create a new breakthrough in Premium Weddingku Exhibition 2017 on 7-9 April at Jakarta through nuanced giant
palace wedding cake with seven meters high and five meters in diameter.

The wedding cake which weighing 500 kilograms was also decorated with four necklaces masterpiece surrounded by 100 wedding ring. To add to the scenery becomes interesting, this wedding cake wrapped with a charming play of light from the lamp. If carefully observed, this wedding cake looks like floats on water.

"32 days we tried to solve it. Even for the five meters high
wedding cake we could two months to do it," said Miyo Minaki, CEO of Le Novelle Cake in Jakarta, recently.
This Largest Wedding Cake Bring Fairy Tales Grandeur

alace or castle wedding cake, recognized Miyo becoming trend now. Consumers see the palace or royal castle-shaped cake of a fairy tales with large size will produce a magnificent effect in a wedding party.

"Not only in terms of size and shape, details of decoration and illuminated also add a romantic feel to be conveyed. The cake is more to the nuances of the fairy tales. But the design is not to be pegged with that. It can be adapted to the theme of the wedding," said Dion.

Added Dion, this giant wedding cake spends about 250 kilograms of sugar formed into beautiful and attractive

"If you say this the biggest wedding cake, from production all the way Le Novelle during this time, it is the first time we made the wedding cake and the highest grandest of wedding cakes that had never been there," said Dion.
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