Blocked Permanently Bigo Live and

Blocked Permanently Bigo Live and
JAKARTA - Government asked to permanently block streaming and broadcast services and Bigo Live. This two streaming service is considered to give the destructive force of order and socio-cultural construction in Indonesia.
Legislation Board member (Baleg) House of Representatives from Golkar Party faction, Misbakhun remind the Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Rudiantara as government authorities in order to really pay attention to the impact of streaming services and broadcast these two applications.
Previously, there was discourse from government will shut down Bigo Live some time ago.
"I'm support the government's commitment to close these impressions while managing regulation in accordance with the societal value of Indonesia," said Misbakhun during Parliament and Ministry of Communications and Information Technology meeting related issues of strategic importance in revision of the Broadcasting Act in the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (4/4).
Benefits and Bigo Live for Indonesia also questioning. This Golkar politician's view, in the country's economy can not be anything. None of the tax, as well as education. Indeed there is, the construction of the social order is distorted.
"Then they get profit. Because there is no benefit and more loses, then and Bigo Live worthy of being blocked by the government," said member of the Commission XI.
He also reminded Rudiantara run Trisakti principles and vision Nawacita of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) that affirm diversity and strengthen social restoration Indonesia in accordance with the constitutional spirit and spirit of Pancasila.
"Here's what I can tell related revision of the Broadcasting Act," he concluded.
Previously, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has blocked the Domain Name System (DNS) Bigo Live since December 2016. The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has targeted streaming applications since November 2016.
In mid-December last year, Head of Public Relations of Ministry of Communication, Noor Iza said, blocking is based on reports from the public. Then after that, continue to observe the alleged adult content contained in Bigo Live.
As of January 13th 2017, streaming and broadcast service providers, Bigo Live, has been unblocked by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. They explain, unblock step done considering Bigo Live has run the specified requirements.
After returning unblocked, Bigo Live now aggressively. Recently they got the funding of series C. In its official statement, Bigo Live said that if the series C funding had been received on March 7, 2017 last.
Legislation Board member (Baleg) House of Representatives from Golkar Party faction, Misbakhun remind the Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Rudiantara as government authorities in order to really pay attention to the impact of streaming services and broadcast these two applications.
Previously, there was discourse from government will shut down Bigo Live some time ago.
"I'm support the government's commitment to close these impressions while managing regulation in accordance with the societal value of Indonesia," said Misbakhun during Parliament and Ministry of Communications and Information Technology meeting related issues of strategic importance in revision of the Broadcasting Act in the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (4/4).
Benefits and Bigo Live for Indonesia also questioning. This Golkar politician's view, in the country's economy can not be anything. None of the tax, as well as education. Indeed there is, the construction of the social order is distorted.
"Then they get profit. Because there is no benefit and more loses, then and Bigo Live worthy of being blocked by the government," said member of the Commission XI.
He also reminded Rudiantara run Trisakti principles and vision Nawacita of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) that affirm diversity and strengthen social restoration Indonesia in accordance with the constitutional spirit and spirit of Pancasila.
"Here's what I can tell related revision of the Broadcasting Act," he concluded.
Previously, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has blocked the Domain Name System (DNS) Bigo Live since December 2016. The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has targeted streaming applications since November 2016.
In mid-December last year, Head of Public Relations of Ministry of Communication, Noor Iza said, blocking is based on reports from the public. Then after that, continue to observe the alleged adult content contained in Bigo Live.
As of January 13th 2017, streaming and broadcast service providers, Bigo Live, has been unblocked by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. They explain, unblock step done considering Bigo Live has run the specified requirements.
After returning unblocked, Bigo Live now aggressively. Recently they got the funding of series C. In its official statement, Bigo Live said that if the series C funding had been received on March 7, 2017 last.