This Former Minister Unwilling Chrisye Swallowed by Time

Jum'at, 31 Maret 2017 - 18:43 WIB
This Former Minister...
This Former Minister Unwilling Chrisye Swallowed by Time
JAKARTA - As a militant and also loyal fans to Indonesia legendary singer, Chrisye, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan continues to prove his love for this singer who died on March 30 2007. Love of this former Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR) never diminished, even more entrenched.

And in 2017, appositely in 10th anniversary of death his idol, Ferry launched a book titled ''10 Tahun Setelah Chrisye Pergi; Ekspresi Kangen Penggemar'.

"The book is dedicate as improvement books which published in 2012," Ferry said in Jakarta, Thursday (30/3).

The contents of this book is unique and highly personalized starting from a fan. Ferry gathering records which scattered in various media about Chrisye during 10 years after his death, and make it part of the contents of the book.

Not only that, Ferry also redesigning pieces of news or clipping about his death and make it part of the book.

Ferry admitted what he had done during this time actually do not cult Chrisye.

"However, we feel 'not willing' if Chrisye disappear swallowed by the passage of time.
We want to talk, nation needs to appreciate and respect a musician, even though he is no longer with us," he said.

To keep Chrisye not go away, Ferry willing to do small and simple manner.

"We always ask singers in food stalls, home band at the hotel, or even in the wedding reception to sing the songs of Chrisye. This is not simply because we admired figure Chrisye, but we also wanted to keep the songs of the deceased remain 'live' in various places, at all times," he explained.

Ferry admits, maybe th
at way feels strange and unusual. But perhaps, the attitude was born because of strong influence of inner the Chrisye song lyrics. Over 30 years, Chrisye lyrics so strongly attached and bind his fans soul.

At each date of
Chrisye departure, Ferry always take the time to visit the tomb of the deceased. Usually after that, he will invite some friends to drink coffee while listening and singing the songs of the deceased.

"Events like this, as our expression in channeling miss on Chrisye," said Ferry.

When coupled, the entire songs of Chrisye seems to represent mankind's journey; ranging from a sense of love between people, caring fellow, the social portrait is happening, love to state, the taste of left by lovers, a sense of natural beauty, to the sense of God's being and on their final day.

The book also shows how Chrisye
is a powerful names in Indonesia music. Although, already 10 years died, the Chrisye songs still selling recycled, even a movie about his life to be released in 2017.
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