'Chase' The Happy at Happy Day 2017

Sabtu, 18 Maret 2017 - 00:09 WIB
Chase The Happy at Happy...
'Chase' The Happy at Happy Day 2017
JAKARTA - Dynamic social changes in society now faced with the challenge to get a solution. Including poverty, hunger, lack of clean water supply, threatened extinction of animals and plants, and many other life challenges.

Recognizing this, in 2012 ago, the United Nations (UN) set a World Happy Day or the International Day Of Happiness. Happy World Day is celebrated every year on March 20 since 2013.

"We need new thinking and approaches to achieve the desired objectives by every person in the world want to be happy," said Chairman of the President of United in Diversity (UID), Mari Elka Pangestu in Jakarta, Friday (17/3).

Unhappy often associated with something that is material and give pleasure. But really Happy is not limited to this and a much deeper meaning.

"Ironically, despite the intensified pursuit of happiness, but we often perform actions that could potentially lead ourselves to be unhappy, for example, by littering, cutting down trees carelessly, wastefulness food supplies, wasteful use of energy, use products that are not environmentally friendly, and there are many more," he said.

However, is there a surefire way to be happy is all about? And what exactly does the unhappy truth?

United In Diversity (UID) said Mari Pangestu, believes that there are three ways to be happy, is to maintain harmony between man and man, man and nature, and human spirituality.

According to him, the third way is in line with the objectives of sustainable development which has been proclaimed the United Nations on September 25, 2015. The purpose of the first to the tenth, ie remove poverty by reducing inequality in society shows the harmony between man and man; while the eleventh to the fifteenth goal is a sustainable city to life in nature, showing the harmony between man and nature; and the sixteenth to seventeenth goal of peace until the partnership shows the harmony between man and his spirituality.

"So, if we round it off with a full awareness of heart trying to realize the goal of sustainable development is, undoubtedly we will all attain happiness," she said.

To invite all stakeholders including government, business people and the general public to actively participate, then the UID along with SDSN Youth Indonesia initiated a real action is referred to as 'SDG Happiness Action' or an action to realize the SDG to achieve happiness together.

As a first step of this action, will be held a Hapy Day celebration is an act and a promise to Happy in the areas of Car Free Day, Sunday, March 19, 2017.

Later, Happy Day is celebrated with various activities happy, such as: Happy Walk, Happy Dance, Happy Flashmob, Happy Moment Sharing, Happy Play and Happy Pyramid and will be attended by several figures like Head of Bappenas Bambang Brojonegoro, senior artist Jajang C Noer and young leader Inayah Wahid.
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