Digital Era Change Consumer Behavior

Digital Era Change Consumer Behavior
JAKARTA - Changes in consumer behavior also applies to the financial industry. Nowadays, quite a lot of traffic or financial transactions that utilize digital channels.
As known, development of information technology and the Internet as a communication tool that is much in demand by the public. According to data from the Association of Indonesian Internet Network Operator (APJII), internet users in Indonesia rise, from 88 million Internet users in 2014 to 132.7 million in 2016 or equal to 51 percent of the total population of Indonesia.
Viewed from this enrollment growth, encourage change conventional to modern communications and digital versatile. And AXA Mandiri is one of actors in the financial industry also has taken advantage of digital lines.
"In this digital age, we noticed that one of the biggest development is the flow of information. Now, people can easily get information about anything over the internet. Therefore, AXA Mandiri opened the widest access to information to customers and communities in need of information about insurance, either through websites, social media, email, and other woods," said Director of Alternative Channel AXA Mandiri, Henky Octavian in Jakarta, recently.
AXA Mandiri also hopes to expand its customer base through partnerships with more platforms on the internet. The five partners are Kaskus, Lazada, Smartfren, MidTrans and Garuda Indonesia.
“We place our products on our partners’ platforms so that people can have easy access. They usually contact us for further information,” Henky said.
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He further explained that his company would add 15 more partners this year. He claimed that partnerships last year had attracted about 3,000 potential customers.
“We expect to gain 1,200 customers through these partnerships alone,” Henky explained.
He said AXA Mandiri had also established its own digital platform called Social Media Comment Center (SMCC) in 2015, which cost Rp 2 billion (US$ 149,532.7), to monitor people’s discussions about insurance on social media. The discussion provided valuable input for future product design.
As known, development of information technology and the Internet as a communication tool that is much in demand by the public. According to data from the Association of Indonesian Internet Network Operator (APJII), internet users in Indonesia rise, from 88 million Internet users in 2014 to 132.7 million in 2016 or equal to 51 percent of the total population of Indonesia.
Viewed from this enrollment growth, encourage change conventional to modern communications and digital versatile. And AXA Mandiri is one of actors in the financial industry also has taken advantage of digital lines.
"In this digital age, we noticed that one of the biggest development is the flow of information. Now, people can easily get information about anything over the internet. Therefore, AXA Mandiri opened the widest access to information to customers and communities in need of information about insurance, either through websites, social media, email, and other woods," said Director of Alternative Channel AXA Mandiri, Henky Octavian in Jakarta, recently.
AXA Mandiri also hopes to expand its customer base through partnerships with more platforms on the internet. The five partners are Kaskus, Lazada, Smartfren, MidTrans and Garuda Indonesia.
“We place our products on our partners’ platforms so that people can have easy access. They usually contact us for further information,” Henky said.

He further explained that his company would add 15 more partners this year. He claimed that partnerships last year had attracted about 3,000 potential customers.
“We expect to gain 1,200 customers through these partnerships alone,” Henky explained.
He said AXA Mandiri had also established its own digital platform called Social Media Comment Center (SMCC) in 2015, which cost Rp 2 billion (US$ 149,532.7), to monitor people’s discussions about insurance on social media. The discussion provided valuable input for future product design.