Two Names for Pertamina Boss
Rabu, 15 Maret 2017 - 23:19 WIB

Two Names for Pertamina Boss
JAKARTA - Seat of number one in PT Pertamina (Persero) still empty. There is no certainty who fill positions in this oil industry's state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
In this regard, Special Staff of President for Communications, Johan Budi said if President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has selected a number of the proposed name. Of some proposals, President mentioned had not agreed to make the appointment of the first people in this state-owned oil company and become delayed.
"(For) Pertamina, names have been suggested several names to the President (Jokowi). Most likely the name already exists in the Ministry of SOEs, I think tomorrow will be the SOEs ministry. So that you will know who the president director of Pertamina," said Johan at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (15/3).
As is known about Dirut of Pertamina, government has not yet determined a Soetjipto replacement which dismissed in late January as President Director of PT Pertamina. The current government recently appointed Yenny Andayani as acting Managing Director of Pertamina.
Speaking of the criteria of the new leader Pertamina later, Johan explained that President Jokowi has been through a thorough consideration.
"Before vote, president's got a lot of input into him and given some names of stake holder in both the SOE Minister or the other. Then the president asked the others, because it was delayed," he said.
According to him, there are two strong name as a candidate for president director of Pertamina, but still reluctant to mention. Feedback has also been asked to KPK and PPATK. Later, the name was inducted expected to have high integrity in the lead Pertamina.
"That gained two. I think informally there is information, not formally," he concluded.
The news circulating, Director of PTPN Holding, Elia Massa Manik mentioned has been appointed as Director of PT Pertamina for replaced Dwi Sutjipto. But, until now there is no official confirmation from either company and the Ministry of SOEs.
In this regard, Special Staff of President for Communications, Johan Budi said if President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has selected a number of the proposed name. Of some proposals, President mentioned had not agreed to make the appointment of the first people in this state-owned oil company and become delayed.
"(For) Pertamina, names have been suggested several names to the President (Jokowi). Most likely the name already exists in the Ministry of SOEs, I think tomorrow will be the SOEs ministry. So that you will know who the president director of Pertamina," said Johan at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (15/3).
As is known about Dirut of Pertamina, government has not yet determined a Soetjipto replacement which dismissed in late January as President Director of PT Pertamina. The current government recently appointed Yenny Andayani as acting Managing Director of Pertamina.
Speaking of the criteria of the new leader Pertamina later, Johan explained that President Jokowi has been through a thorough consideration.
"Before vote, president's got a lot of input into him and given some names of stake holder in both the SOE Minister or the other. Then the president asked the others, because it was delayed," he said.
According to him, there are two strong name as a candidate for president director of Pertamina, but still reluctant to mention. Feedback has also been asked to KPK and PPATK. Later, the name was inducted expected to have high integrity in the lead Pertamina.
"That gained two. I think informally there is information, not formally," he concluded.
The news circulating, Director of PTPN Holding, Elia Massa Manik mentioned has been appointed as Director of PT Pertamina for replaced Dwi Sutjipto. But, until now there is no official confirmation from either company and the Ministry of SOEs.