Agus Marsal and Pot Bomb Terorrist

Agus Marsal and Pot Bomb Terorrist
PURWAKARTA - Steps to change the attitudes and perspectives that are considered hard to become soft, tolerant, pluralistic, moderate and liberal or who is known by de-radicalization, especially for terrorists often still see the hard wall.
Many former terrorists who have completed prison term, re-commit acts of terrorism. One is Yayat Cahdiyat, terrorist bombs that yesterday's pot shot by police in Bandung.
However, not all efforts were stuck into a wall. One of them happened in Purwakarta. A former terrorist embraced with familial to restore itself back after all this time brainwashed by terrorists understand.
Want to know how Purwakarta do de-radicalization? Consider the light posts of columnist Denny Siregar below:
His name is Agus Marsal. He was once arrested by 88 Detachment in 2012 for involvement in a Purwakarta terrorist network and sentenced to four years in prison.
Out of prison, he embraced by Purwakarta regent, Dedi Mulyadi. Man who familiar called Kang Dedi are building ideology schools, schools that instill love of nation and homeland.
Agus initially scared because he felt unworthy to talk nationality, but he continued to be invited and introduced to the beauty of Indonesia.
It is a de-radicalization program conducted Purwakarta to restore the terrorists back to life.
"The problem is, after they are released from prison, who embrace it. If it is not embraced, it will again become a terrorist .."
Yayat Cahdiyat, pot bombs terrorist that yesterday's shot by 88 Detachment in Bandung, had actually wanted to be embraced by Dedi. Unfortunately, he hurried move to Bandung.
"If he had still in Purwakarta, he would not have died like this .."
West Java is indeed most suppliers a terrorist. As known yet whether this part of the old story of DI/TII led Kartosuwiryo planning to set up an Islamic state.
Not easy to restore the ideology of the terrorists who for so long been brainwashed with the understanding that the state in which they live is a country of infidels because adopts democracy.
But at least what is done with the Kang Dedi program could be a reference that there are still opportunities to make them as a friend rather than an enemy of the state.
Kang Dedi approach with Agus Marsal came to his house when he returned home from jail and gave him 20 million working capital as well as provide a place to sell is an emotional approach that can touch the deepest side.
Agus Marsal until now recorded as giving the material in school ideology in Purwakarta. He often recounted his experience when he joined the terrorist group.
Ah, why do we often forget that they are part of us? I had to lift a cup of coffee for Kang Dedi and Gallic citizens in Purwakarta who can receive them.
Also nothing wrong if I'm labeled Purwakarta as a laboratory of tolerance. Slurppss....
Many former terrorists who have completed prison term, re-commit acts of terrorism. One is Yayat Cahdiyat, terrorist bombs that yesterday's pot shot by police in Bandung.
However, not all efforts were stuck into a wall. One of them happened in Purwakarta. A former terrorist embraced with familial to restore itself back after all this time brainwashed by terrorists understand.
Want to know how Purwakarta do de-radicalization? Consider the light posts of columnist Denny Siregar below:
His name is Agus Marsal. He was once arrested by 88 Detachment in 2012 for involvement in a Purwakarta terrorist network and sentenced to four years in prison.
Out of prison, he embraced by Purwakarta regent, Dedi Mulyadi. Man who familiar called Kang Dedi are building ideology schools, schools that instill love of nation and homeland.
Agus initially scared because he felt unworthy to talk nationality, but he continued to be invited and introduced to the beauty of Indonesia.
It is a de-radicalization program conducted Purwakarta to restore the terrorists back to life.
"The problem is, after they are released from prison, who embrace it. If it is not embraced, it will again become a terrorist .."
Yayat Cahdiyat, pot bombs terrorist that yesterday's shot by 88 Detachment in Bandung, had actually wanted to be embraced by Dedi. Unfortunately, he hurried move to Bandung.
"If he had still in Purwakarta, he would not have died like this .."
West Java is indeed most suppliers a terrorist. As known yet whether this part of the old story of DI/TII led Kartosuwiryo planning to set up an Islamic state.
Not easy to restore the ideology of the terrorists who for so long been brainwashed with the understanding that the state in which they live is a country of infidels because adopts democracy.
But at least what is done with the Kang Dedi program could be a reference that there are still opportunities to make them as a friend rather than an enemy of the state.
Kang Dedi approach with Agus Marsal came to his house when he returned home from jail and gave him 20 million working capital as well as provide a place to sell is an emotional approach that can touch the deepest side.
Agus Marsal until now recorded as giving the material in school ideology in Purwakarta. He often recounted his experience when he joined the terrorist group.
Ah, why do we often forget that they are part of us? I had to lift a cup of coffee for Kang Dedi and Gallic citizens in Purwakarta who can receive them.
Also nothing wrong if I'm labeled Purwakarta as a laboratory of tolerance. Slurppss....