This Tax Amnesty Barriers from Entrepreneurs Version

Rabu, 01 Maret 2017 - 00:11 WIB
This Tax Amnesty Barriers...
This Tax Amnesty Barriers from Entrepreneurs Version
JAKARTA - Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) reminded the government that is still found things that could hinder tax amnesty program.

Although tax amnesty progr
am stay for another month, but if not observed properly it will affect the interest of the community to a tax amnesty.

Chairman of Apindo, Haryadi Sukamdani said, since the preparation and after the issuance of Law No. 11 of 2016 on Tax Forgiveness, it has always supported the government with confidence regarding its benefits both for now and future.

"In terms of implementation we have always appealed to the tax authorities apply a policy of tax amnesty is good to the extent possible to avoid multi-interpretation policy by tax officers who are still on the ground. Because quite a lot of implementation problems in the field that inhibits optimize the tax amnesty," said Haryadi in Jakarta, Tuesday (28/2).

He revealed, it still hamper them about granting a certificate of free (SKB) from taxpayers to follow tax amnesty, behind the name associated property in the form of land or stocks earlier on behalf of the nominee. In practice, taxpayers still encounter technical problems when dealing with the tax officer at KPP while taking care of the decree.

"That really does not have to happen because it is set out clearly in the Tax Forgiveness Act," he added.

On the field is still occurring, tax officials are threatening to check the SPT 2016 when improperly. In addition, there is still a tax officer who threatened to test against additional property tax amnesty that has been included because it is considered unnatural.

"Post-tax amnesty, we expect an improvement in tax administration and increasing the capacity and integrity of the tax authorities to improve the quality of tax services thereby minimizing leakage dispute and taxation," he said.
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