Sadistic! Men's Cut and Carry Victim Head Around Village

Kamis, 23 Februari 2017 - 21:44 WIB
Sadistic! Mens Cut and...
Sadistic! Men's Cut and Carry Victim Head Around Village
PALEMBANG - The tragic incident occurred in East Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), South Sumatra. Gus Setiawan (39), a resident who live in Pangeran Ayin road, Kenten Laut, died with beheaded around 16.00 pm on Thursday (23/2).

Sadistic, head of Setiawan already beheaded carried around the village by the offender, Zumrowi (40) who is also the owner of rented house where the victim lived.

Not known
yet the exact cause of brutally perpetrators behead victims. Only, the perpetrator is known to have a history of mental illness.

According to the Hendra, who is a cousin of Zumrowi, he only learned of the incident after residents at the crime scene (TKP) or precisely in Kenten citizen hysterically after Zumrowi around the village carrying the victim's head.

"Head of the victims
beheaded and perpetrators held toured around the village. Suddenly, residents shouted and report the incident to the Kenten police station," said Hendra, Thursday (23/2).

Got this report, police immediately secured the suspect. Zumrowi could provide resistance to
swinging 30 centimeter long blade type machete.

With the spry, police led by
Kenten Laut Chief of Police Station, Police Brig Defri Irawan directly securing the perpetrators to the police station.

"The perpetrator had said
'sorry' to me. Residents also got crowded swarming Police Station, but managed soothed our members," Defri said.

Furthermore, the perpetrators were brought to Talang Kelapa
Police officer, Banyuasin. While the bodies of victims in the form of the head and body was taken to the South Sumatra Police Hospitals to do the post mortem.

Related mental illness suffered Zumrowi, Ubaidilah (43) confirmed that his nephew had a history of mental illness and had a yellow card.

According to him, the offender who lived next door to the victim was rehabilitated at the
Palembang Mental Hospital in 2005 for six months.

"After that, he was out and just do a check-up for three months. In fact, he has a timber depot business," said Ubaidilah, Thursday (23/2).

Meanwhile, the Police Chief Talang Kelapa, Commissioner Erwin S Manik explained that the perpetrators had secured.

"Those we have already secured to the Talang Kelapa
Police office and bodies of victims were taken to Bhayangkara hospital," he said.

He added, now that he do the crime scene and examine witnesses. Related including witness testimony if the offender mentally deranged.

"According to the family, the offender has a history of mental illness. But we'll do first observation in Ernaldi Bahar
hospital to prove," he said.
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