C1 Recapitulation Done, Ahok-Djarot Achieves 2.3 Million

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017 - 06:59 WIB
C1 Recapitulation Done,...
C1 Recapitulation Done, Ahok-Djarot Achieves 2.3 Million
JAKARTA - General Election Commission (KPU) Jakarta had completed a data summary count results at each polling stations (TPS). As a result, candidate Basuki T Purnama (Ahok) -Djarot S Hidayat gets the most votes, ie 2.3 million.

KPU Jakarta official website on Friday night, shows the summary of data C1 is 100 percent, the data from 13,023 TPS. Scan result showed votes of Agus
Harimurti Yudhoyono-Sylviana Murni is 936 609 votes (17:05 percent), Basuki Purnama Tjahaja (Ahok)-Djarot S. Hidayat 2,357,587 votes (42.91 percent), Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno 2,200,636 votes (40.05 percent).

From that data, Jakarta Election turnout this time was 5,357,811 people, comprising 2,600,290 males and 2,757,521 females. While voter turnout of 74.2 percent male and 78.5 percent female. Total voters was 7.2 million consisting of 3,506,522 men and 3,511,191 women.

According to Chairman of KPU
Jakarta, Sumarno, C1 data input only displays not an official announcement counting Jakarta Election 2017. He said that C1 data input is data only for KPU Jakarta paired perform manual votes counting.

"We only show, not announced because it is not an official count. Announced that the official count only the data sanding," said Sumarno.

In Jakarta Election 2017, the total voters list in Jakarta was 7,108,589 votes and the Commission has prepared 7.2 million ballots. In the elections of Jakarta there are 13,023 polling stations (TPS).

Input and C1 form scanning voting results in each polling was held at Hotel Bidakara, South Jakarta, since last Wednesday afternoon.
Once scanned, the dispatcher upload the data to be monitored society through the application Situng.

Meanwhile, recapitulation data manually at district level will be held from today until February 22, 2017. Later, the recapitulation continues at the municipal level on February 22 to 25 and recapitulation provincial level on 25-27 February 2017. Summary of manually
data will be used as official data by KPU Jakarta.
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