Rural Car, Only Rp60 Million and Without Vehicle Registration

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017 - 04:55 WIB
Rural Car, Only Rp60...
Rural Car, Only Rp60 Million and Without Vehicle Registration
JAKARTA - Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) immediately release the multipurpose vehicle named rural car. Rural car is designed to help farmers or ranchers in running their businesses.

Later there will be a number of variants of cars that follow the contours of the rural villages respectively. The public can choose a car according to the needs and geographical conditions of each village.

"Now there are five prototypes, already 100,000 kilometers road test, and the results already passed the emissions test. But we still improve the design and completeness of the fifth prototype," said Minister of Industry (Industry), Airlangga Hartato in Jakarta, Friday (17/2).

Airlangga said, it opens the opportunity for anyone who wants to produce a prototype car that would be priced around the village of Rp60 million per unit.

"The price of Rp60 million is base product, later will plus accessories. This design is done Kemenperin is open source, so production can be in various places, including in the workshops of the village," he said.

Not only that, in addition to creating a prototype, the Ministry of Industry will set the standard product. As well as transfer of technology to the car enthusiasts who want to make.

In fact, Ministry of Industry is optimistic, the market opportunities for small vehicles is still quite large by segment below 1000 cc.

Added Director General of Small and Medium Enterprises, Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry), Gati Wibawaningsih, rural car is not intended as transport of people and do not have Vehicle registration number (vehicle registration) as well as other vehicles. The vehicle is also prohibited from passing on the highway.

"Just to the countryside alone. The plate affairs in the police, right when he got a car license plate, there should be a vehicle registration. While the vehicle registration must be a roadworthy test, so there is a long later. Meanwhile, the car did not enter the highway, just in the (road) countryside," said Gati.
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