Suspect Murder Kim Jong Nam is Illegal Indonesian Worker

Jum'at, 17 Februari 2017 - 20:32 WIB
Suspect Murder Kim Jong...
Suspect Murder Kim Jong Nam is Illegal Indonesian Worker
JAKARTA - National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers (BNP2TKI) ensure that Siti Aisyah, a woman born in Serang, Banten which accused of killing Kim Jong Nam, half-brother of North Korea leader, Kim Jong Un is not Indonesian Workers (TKI).

Until now, there are no names Siti Aisyah
in workers data who owned by BNP2TKI. In addition, the name of Siti Aisyah also not registered as migrant workers in the data of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu).

"Because, is usually
data our migrant workers and Ministry of Foreign Affairs data connected. That means she can be ascertained un-procedural or illegal workers," said Chief of BNP2TKI, Nusron Wahid in Central Executive Board (DPP) of Golkar Party, Jakarta, Friday (17/2).

He admitted that illegal workers have been hard to detect and weak protection.

"Because we do not know the address, working to whom, what works, we do not know," said Nusron.

He also obtained information after coordinating with Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Related when Siti enter and what to do in Malaysia.

"After we coordinate with Indonesian Embassy at Malaysia, known Siti Aisyah was in Malaysia, but it is not known the full information regarding when she go to Malaysia, what it is doing in Malaysia and how to suspected of involvement in the murder of North Koreans," said Nusron.

Nusron s
aid, Indonesian Embassy has not been granted consular access to meet Siti by Malaysia authority.

According to the provisions in Malaysia, consular access is usually given once a week. Cause in examination term, suspects can not met by the representative of Indonesia and lawyers.

He continued, many Indonesian citizens who lodged a legal case at abroad are illegal workers.

"However, in this case, government, Foreign Ministry and BNP2TKI, will there, will continue to advocate the law," he added.

"That until she was killed, there must be something that forced him to, or new facts that must be proved that he is in order to defend themselves not intend to kill," he concluded.

Indonesian Foreign Ministry confirmed, the alleged perpetrator of murder of Kim Jong-nam is an Indonesian citizen (WNI). Certainty is obtained after the Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia match the data in the passport offender with existing data in the embassy system.

"Embassy has been verified and based on the data while in the embassy, the woman status is the citizen," said Director of the Citizens
Protection and Indonesia Legal Entities (PWNI-BHI), Lalu Muhammad Iqbal in Jakarta, Thursday (16/2).
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