Called Died in Malaysia, This Workers Suddenly Appears in His Village

Minggu, 12 Februari 2017 - 18:38 WIB
Called Died in Malaysia,...
Called Died in Malaysia, This Workers Suddenly Appears in His Village
WATAMPONE - Two years with obscure existence, Jufri (49), villagers of Kampuno, District Barebbo, Watampone, South Sulawesi suddenly stir his hometown.

Initially, Jufri is an Indonesian Workers (TKI) in Malaysia and have reportedly died since two years ago. But suddenly, Jufri
out from public transport right in front of his house. This made his wife, Tati (43) and Jufri family hysterical, so are villagers of Kampuno.

Jurfi went to Malaysia in 2012 to work in a plywood company in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But he lost contact with family in 2014.

When met at his house, accompanied by his wife Jufri talk about what happened over the last two years against him.

"I go to Kuala Lumpur in 2012 and, as I turned back to Indonesia in 2014, I left behind the vessel in Batam, money and my phone was stolen. There I lived and slept in the mosque for two years. For survive, I worked as a parking officer.
Until one policeman gave me some money for back to home," says Jufri started the story.

He continued, after two years as a parking office, a police officer gives Rp1 million. And he bought ticket to Makassar.

"Tickets worth Rp900 thousand, and then pay for transport to my house in Bone also for eating during the trip," says Jufri which reluctant to disclose the identity of the police officer who helped him.

Tati himself believes her husband still alive despite lost contact for two years. According to her, a lot of the information about her husband. There are conveying been arrested by Malaysian police and died. But she was reluctant 'mourning' or make a headstone for her husband's grave.

"I was shocked, this time around exhausted Dhuhur he arrived. At first I thought the seller of drugs who stop. After I noticed, it was my husband and I cried. A lot of neighbors and relatives also came to make sure because does not believe that is Jufri," Tati said.

When her husband came, only carrying the clothes on his body and Rp 2 thousand clutched. The condition shaking caused hunger.

Jufri health condition seems worsened. Tati said before go to Malaysia, Jufri is an active and jolly
figure .

"But after returning, he melancholy and not clear when talking to other," she concluded.
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