Golden Stone Take Advantage from Magnet of Serpong Region

Rabu, 08 Februari 2017 - 13:05 WIB
Golden Stone Take Advantage...
Golden Stone Take Advantage from Magnet of Serpong Region
SOUTH TANGERANG - Magnet of Serpong, South Tangerang as an investment destination still not subsided. Most recent from GNA Group through the Golden Stone.

The Golden Stone which location of housing is deemed GNA Group has a compelling reason to be cultivated in order to meet market demands of landed house.

"The results of our survey, 90 percent of prospective properties consumers prefer a landed house rather than an apartment," said Director of GNA Group, Georgius Gun Ho in Tangerang, recently.

With 24 hectares of land capital, GNA began development of The Golden Stone.

"For the first phase we develop three clusters of two-storey house with
taking 10 hectares of land. There are 1,000 units and rest for 18 apartment towers and other supporting facilities," said Gun Ho.
Golden Stone Take Advantage from Magnet of Serpong Region

The third project, said
Gun Ho is believed to house the site can compete with the project developers who had already renowned in Serpong area via a competitive price.

"Most developers in developing projects often minus-subtract because the material is expensive or the other, but we do not. We maximize everything and then the price we offer is also 30 percent below other developers in Serpong," said Gun Ho.

"Moreover, this area will be connected to the Boulevard as in Alam Sutera and the new toll gate, so that later it will be a strategic region," he added.
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