'Malang Melintang', Comeback for Wisnu as Actor

Rabu, 01 Februari 2017 - 13:01 WIB
Malang Melintang, Comeback...
'Malang Melintang', Comeback for Wisnu as Actor
JAKARTA - The actor, who recently busy with business along with Malang Strudel (MS) management make something new for city of Malang.

Started with intention to introduce
Malang more broadly to all corners of the country and the world, Teuku Wisnu and some of his friends made drama comedy entitled 'Malang Melintang'.

To fulfill th
at, Malang Strudel collaborated with Beda Cinema production houses now. According to the plan, 24 episodes will be prepared and served in Malang Strudel Youtube channel. This February production process will begin.

"Malang has given so much good for Malang Strudel. And when, we had an opportunity to contribute to the capabilities we have, of course, we will do our best. So, that the citizens of Malang has entertainment content is so close to their daily lives, while making Malang more widely known," said Wisnu, recently.

The series of
'Malang Melintang' agenda has been prepared. Starting Friday (4/2), located at branch Malang Strudel, Semeru road, Malang, will open casting, especially for native of Malang. Those who participated casting, will compete directly by Wisnu.

"We deliberately involve citizens directly from Malang to play in this drama
comedy. Because we want this project will not only belong Malang Strudel, but also belong together for citizens of Malang," said this Shireen Sungkar's husband.

Synopsis 'Malang Melint
ang' tells an everyday occurrence in Malang Strudel outlet. Ranging from the amusing stories of everyday events experienced by the employee, among Budi (GM Malang Strudel), Gunawan (Marketing), Bimbim (OB), Lusi (cashier) and Linda (Chef). Not to forget, the story of the owner, Teuku Wisnu will be playing.

You're so curious? Let's we wait together...
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