For Fire Management, APP Sinar Mas Hold Canada and South Africa Expert

Jum'at, 27 Januari 2017 - 10:14 WIB
For Fire Management,...
For Fire Management, APP Sinar Mas Hold Canada and South Africa Expert
PEKANBARU - Asian Pulp and Paper (APP) Sinar Mas preparing Integrated Fire Management (IFM), which is integrated in the management of fire prevention inside and outside the area of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) and its supplier partners which operating in Riau province.

"There are four main pillars in this IFM namely preparation, early detection, rapid response and prevention," said General Management IFM Sinar Mas Forestry, Sujica W Lusaka, Thursday (26/1).

He continued, preparation, are further divided into four steps the Incident Command System (ICS). This step is a device or system that regulates the chain of command, planning, operations, logistics and administration in an emergency situation.

In applying the ICS, APP Sinar Mas holding international management experts namely Trek Wildland Fire Service from Canada and Working on Fire from South Africa to provide training in ICS. The training focuses on coordination for fire extinguish.
For early detection, having supplied data on the presence or absence of hotspot around the concession area. Hotspot is a point in a satellite detected location and has a temperature of about 40°C or more. Hotspot does not necessarily mean the fire spots.

"To determine whether the hotspot is the point of the fire or not, the officer who had been on guard went to the field to check directly. Early detection aims to be a potential fire can be muted immediately before it spreads widely," he continued.

The quick response is done with the command and control that is integrated management in dealing with emergency situations. From the start of the data provider that is 'Situation Room', logistics equipment, until firemen officers in the field.

"Everything is moving in a predetermined line command," he said.

For the pillars of prevention becomes a vital part in IFM is Desa Makmur Peduli Api (DMPA) program. This program integrated in the movement to empower communities in the concession area of APP's suppliers to develop their daily livelihood.

"The big idea in community empowerment is utilizing agroforestry field. Society is directed and nurtured for the helpless and prosperous socio-economic resources in accordance with the potential and local characteristics," he said.
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