Reduce Direct Contact, Signature Colour The Answer

Rabu, 25 Januari 2017 - 13:27 WIB
Reduce Direct Contact,...
Reduce Direct Contact, Signature Colour The Answer
JAKARTA - Responded market demand of indoor toilet sanitary products that require hygiene and aesthetics, Rentokil Indonesia through Calmic launches newest product lines 'Signature Colour'.

"The choice of color is seen in the toilet can reflect brand personality, affect mood, behavior change, and may even help improve hygiene standards," said Managing Director Indonesia
Rentokil Initial, Heri Susanto in Jakarta, recently.

The range of this latest Signature Colour
product, said Heri, complement previous product variants white and silver. Color became an important element in Siganutre Colour product. Because it can customize room decor themed.

"For example, blue, or green color that could indicate that the company enough attention in the environment," said Heri.

In addition to presenting the colors, signature and the signature series products aimed at reducing the color yourself as small as possible by hand contact.

"The spread of germs and bacteria most while in the toilet while arm
contact, Signature product uses sensors and fully automated," said Heri.

Calmic Senior Marketing Manager, Denny Trismulyanto added color in the toilet is expected to affect a person's feelings and encourages a positive mood.

"Amenities sensor can reduce germ transmission via the hands so that the cleanliness and health will always be maintained," he added.
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