Rejected Use Ambulances, Tasikmalaya Poor People Died on The Road

Rejected Use Ambulances, Tasikmalaya Poor People Died on The Road
TASIKMALAYA - So sad fate of the poor people for fight the health. This time happens in one families in Cintapada, Pasirmukti village, Cineam, Tasikmalaya district who are need of health services.
As uploaded account Kenari Tasikmalaya Society in Facebook group titled Tasikmalaya Public Open Discussion Forum, in Sunday (15/1) this family from Cineam must escort his daughter to dr Soekardjo Hospital, Tasikmalaya using a pick-up car because not given permission at borrow ambulances from the local health center (Puskesmas).
With the help of the village chief, one of the residents finally willing to give me a lift car pick up to take the patient to hospital. However, when the new up in Dahana road, Cibeureum, Tasikmalaya, patient named Aisyah died. Suddenly, the family who drove crying hysterically on the side of the road.
Knowing a patient who was brought dead, pick up the car owner objected bring back this group back to their villages. The car owner also admitted pity if the corpse taken to use a pickup.
The family was eventually confused how to bring the bodies, while the ambulance from the hospital can not be used for free. Although already given the explanation that the patients come from poor families, the hospital still require to pay the rent of ambulance calculated per kilometer.
Of course the family is not able to follow this requirement. Where they can pay for the ambulance, for bring the patient result borrowed pickup from a neighbor.
Confused no money to pay the rent ambulance or hearse, along with the bodies that family finally only could sit on the curb Dahana road for approximately three hours.
Fortunately, there is one member of the Air Field base Wiradinata, Tasikmalaya may seek hearse owned by a foundation to bring the corpse to they house.
Now, postings on social media has become a byword viral and netizens, especially the citizens of Tasikmalaya. Not a few netizens commented hard against those who do not show partiality to the poor of this Cineam districts citizen.
As uploaded account Kenari Tasikmalaya Society in Facebook group titled Tasikmalaya Public Open Discussion Forum, in Sunday (15/1) this family from Cineam must escort his daughter to dr Soekardjo Hospital, Tasikmalaya using a pick-up car because not given permission at borrow ambulances from the local health center (Puskesmas).
With the help of the village chief, one of the residents finally willing to give me a lift car pick up to take the patient to hospital. However, when the new up in Dahana road, Cibeureum, Tasikmalaya, patient named Aisyah died. Suddenly, the family who drove crying hysterically on the side of the road.
Knowing a patient who was brought dead, pick up the car owner objected bring back this group back to their villages. The car owner also admitted pity if the corpse taken to use a pickup.
The family was eventually confused how to bring the bodies, while the ambulance from the hospital can not be used for free. Although already given the explanation that the patients come from poor families, the hospital still require to pay the rent of ambulance calculated per kilometer.
Of course the family is not able to follow this requirement. Where they can pay for the ambulance, for bring the patient result borrowed pickup from a neighbor.
Confused no money to pay the rent ambulance or hearse, along with the bodies that family finally only could sit on the curb Dahana road for approximately three hours.
Fortunately, there is one member of the Air Field base Wiradinata, Tasikmalaya may seek hearse owned by a foundation to bring the corpse to they house.
Now, postings on social media has become a byword viral and netizens, especially the citizens of Tasikmalaya. Not a few netizens commented hard against those who do not show partiality to the poor of this Cineam districts citizen.