No Casualties in Bima Floods

Jum'at, 23 Desember 2016 - 11:11 WIB
No Casualties in Bima...
No Casualties in Bima Floods
BIMA - Related to the flood disaster in city and Bima districts since Wednesday (21/12), governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi sets a flood emergency response since Thursday (22/12) yesterday.

Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) NTB also made sure there were no casualties as a result of the flood that hit the city of Bima.

"The governor set the emergency response period for three days starting Thursday. No casualties, if there was a hoax," said Chief of BPBD NTB, H Muhammad Rum via short message received by reporters.

He said that in general city of Bima was once temporarily paralyzed. Offices, schools, and trade can not walk. The whole society and the regional government, military/police, Basarnas now cleans houses of former sludge flood.

According to him, the current required residents of Bima is clean water, medicine, and food. In addition, food aid, and clothing, equipment such as inflatable boats, generators are also needed citizens. Given the flow of electricity can not be turned on.

"Today, all aid that has been sent from Mataram, has arrived in the Bima, so it could be distributed to the victims affected by the floods," he said.

Head of Social
Affairs, Population and Civil Registration NTB, HL Ahsanul Khalik said it had sent 480 aid in the form of blankets, tarpaulins, creation of a common kitchen that is intended for the logistics needs of the displaced Bima flood.

"All assistance has been dispatched to Bima. Once we distributed directly to citizens who were affected by floods," he said.
No Casualties in Bima Floods

National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) via Head of Data Information and Public Relations, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said the five districts in the city of Bima flooded as high as 1-2 meters, covering Sub Rasanae,
East Rasanae, West Rasanae, and Punda. High flood in the region Lewirato, Sadia, Jati Wangi, Melayu, Pena Na'e reached two meters. Thousands of homes in the area flooded.

Sutopo explained, the flood that hit the city and district of Bima was also triggered by the presence of
Yvette tropical cyclones located in the South Indian Ocean Bali.

"The existence of a tropical cyclone has triggered extreme rainfall in some areas in the province, of which Bima and Sumbawa. Moreover, Bima city located on the topography of the basin," said Sutopo.
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