See The Latest Alternative of Thrush Medicine

Rabu, 21 Desember 2016 - 01:40 WIB
See The Latest Alternative...
See The Latest Alternative of Thrush Medicine
JAKARTA - Actually we are already familiar with thrush, nearly all of us have felt the mouth organ disease affecting this. Even so, not everyone knows in detail what it is and how to cure thrush.

Thrush is a common oral diseases and attacked 25 percent of the population of all ages. Children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. But mostly, thrush is more common in young adult women and high society. The cause is predominantly due to the stress factor.

Sprue is a minor injuries to heal themselves (self-limiting disease) within 10-14 days for the small species sprue mild (minor) and four weeks for this kind of severe (major). Despite mild disease, the presence of thrush can interfere with patients, thus affecting the quality of their daily lives.

In addition to stress, the causes of thursh can also caused by trauma (bitten/toothbrush/braces), genetics, smoking cessation, hormonal changes and nutritional deficiencies. But in general, people exposed to canker sores because the immune system is low and the low nutrient intake. This can lead to thrush occur repeatedly.

"In language of medicine, thursh known as aphthous stomatitis. Wounds such as aphthous stomatitis similar to mouth ulcers caused by infection, autoimmune, allergic reactions and others. This is to be distinguished with cuts or sores that occur due to the trauma background. Good physical trauma, psychological, thermal trauma or chemical trauma," explained drg Rahmi Amtha from Faculty of Dentistry, University of Trisakti in Jakarta, recently.

Further Rahmi, in layman all the wounds in the mouth of his name is thrush. And finally, someone often tend to ignore. When in fact, thursh only describe the condition of the wound in the soft tissues of the mouth often causing pain.

How treatment should be viewed in detail the factors that cause thursh. The new can perform comprehensive treatment plan that can be cured.

During this time, if we are sick thrush, is often treated with drugs if spilled or smeared on the wound will feel sore. However, thanks to advances in medicine, is now treating thursh do not have to feel sore and the results are more effective.

It can happen through treatment using Ulceloocin thrush tape. When in contact with wound fluid, the plaster will turn into a gel that attaches firmly in the wound. So when it does not feel sore anymore. Tape is also a preparation thrush "dry hydrogel" that does not contain additives or drugs. So it is very safe when the tape swallowed.

"One of the basic principles of treating thrush are drugs or substances used must be able to be covering agent, thus providing an opportunity to the wound tissue/sprue to regenerate and eventually heal. And these sores tape has that ability. We have still not too many ingredients/drugs that can reduce pain through its ability to protect very well," said Rahmi.

Plaster which can be used both adults and children, Rahmi continued who along with his team, drg Marcia and drg Anggia Irma Aninda has done research, come to the conclusion, in addition to a safe and powerful used to treat thrush, this tape also has traction drugs very good.

"There are no significant differences by type of drug use orabase," added Rahmi.

How to use it is also quite easy. Just put the plaster on the wound (in the state of wet rinsed by saliva) before eating. Then wait up to four days, the wound will heal and or improved.

"Thursh are not motivated classic or systemic factors will heal within 1-2 weeks. However, if the time had not yet healed, it is advisable to check the wound immediately to the dentist for further treatment," she concluded.
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